80 GB Travelstar $50 Today (11/17) Only

Posted by: MinerTwoFour

80 GB Travelstar $50 Today (11/17) Only - 17/11/2006 21:16

For those of you still "slumming" with me as far as drive size goes, thetechgeek.com is selling 80 GB, 4200 RPM, 8MB cache drives for $69.99. A $20 off coupon is available using code HITHDD20OFF, but expires today.


I'm not buying one, just thought I'd pass on the info. I don't know anything about the seller, either. Looks fairly reputable.

Posted by: Phoenix42

Re: 80 GB Travelstar $50 Today (11/17) Only - 19/11/2006 10:11

Coupon still works, but only knocks $10 off the price.