Creative Accounting

Posted by: jwtadmin

Creative Accounting - 19/10/2000 13:30

I was wondering of any one had thought of taking the Empeg off on their taxes as a business expense.
I am a programmer by trade and can legally take things like laptops, digital cameras, etc... But how about a linux box that happens to fit into my car and play MP3's?

Any thoughts?? No inquires from the IRS please.....


Posted by: dionysus

Re: Creative Accounting - 19/10/2000 14:15

(ahem) isn't that really a database storage drive for your PDA, which just happens to play MP3's?

MK2: 36gb
Tivo: 90gb
CPU: 120gb
...I think drive manufacturers love me!
Posted by: EngelenH

Re: Creative Accounting - 19/10/2000 15:32

Ehm, me ...

Hey, as an I.T. professional I need to stay up to date on everything.


Mk2 - Blue - 080000431
Posted by: rob

Re: Creative Accounting - 19/10/2000 18:20

Lots of people classify their empeg as a business expense (usually "in dash computer") - what your taxation department will think of this is your problem

The one thing we won't do (although we get asked this a lot!) is change the description on the invoice. That's a slippery slope on which to embark, and in any case I don't feel like hacking the sales system to do it. It's quite a generic description though - e.g. "empeg Car 12Gb".


Posted by: Reggie

Re: Creative Accounting - 19/10/2000 19:34

This is very interesting for me. I mean, in my country computers and computer parts DO NOT pay taxes when imported, an exeption made for developping computer industry and of course allowing more computers to arrive to the country and more people havig access to technology. So, I wonder, would the empeg be catalogued as a "computer" or as a car stereo? It would make a notorious difference for me when facing the customs people.

Posted by: rob

Re: Creative Accounting - 23/10/2000 10:12

It's true for most countries that computer parts are cheaper to import than car stereos. The code we use (8471 5030 00) is classed as:

"Computer peripheral, capable of receiving and processing TV / communication / audio and video signals."

If customs feel that this is not a good description of the goods, however, they are able to reclassify however they see fit.


Posted by: davec

Re: Creative Accounting - 24/10/2000 07:52

If you can boot to a Linux prompt running on the CPU in the empeg, it must be a computer...

Dave Clark
Austin, Texas
12g Amber