more help

Posted by: jstrain

more help - 31/01/2000 06:09

i know that two seperate mp3 tag editors were suggested between this board and the mailing list. one was a "one at a time" tag editor. i think it was called mp3 tag express. the other was a mass tag editor. can't remember what it was called though. i tried searching for them on the board, but to no avail. if anyone can repost links to them, i would be eternally grateful.



oh, i wish i wish i had an empeg...
Posted by: Jazzwire

Re: more help - 31/01/2000 06:57

I've written a tag editor to extract the artist and title from the filename.
It's still a bit rough, but does a directory at a time (It can also be used to rename files if you want to type the tags first.)

It works for me, and if anyone wants a copy, I'll sling it on my website..

(List 112, S/N 00030, 4 gig blue)
Posted by: tadzio

Re: more help - 31/01/2000 11:58

The best I found so far is MP3 Tag Studio. Definitely worth a download!


Posted by: eternalsun

Re: more help - 31/01/2000 12:31

The one I'm using is called simply "ID3 Tag Editor" by TFM. It does multiple mp3s at once.