
Posted by: Qbus

Apps - 08/01/2001 21:30

I have not been reading the bbs in a while because I moved to Chicago and have no hope of driving. It looks as if i might get a parking space soon. so any to my point. Has there been any third party apps made for the empeg? I remember some one talking about a tivo like app?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Apps - 09/01/2001 00:00

I have not been reading the bbs in a while because I moved to Chicago and have no hope of driving... Has there been any third party apps made for the empeg?

I don't know how long it's been since you've been in touch with the BBS, so I'll just list all of my favorite apps:

- Richard Lovejoy's Volume Adjustment Kernel
A replacement kernel that dynamically alters the gain on the audio signal so that quiet musical passages are audible above the car's noise floor.

- Brian Mihulka's Horizontal Tetris
Enough said.

- My Empeg Logo Editor
Allows you to import/export and retouch image files which will appear on the Empeg's screen at bootup time.

And the granddaddy of them all:

- Frank Van Gestel's Displayserver
A multi-function program that allows interesting things to happen over a TCP/IP web browser connection with the Empeg: Remote control with an actual streamed picture of the display, streaming MP3 audio from the Empeg over TCP/IP, status reporting, song downloading, and hard disk backup.

Enough for you to buy one yet?

Tony Fabris