RIO Store: bad future for int. customers ?

Posted by: wdienstm

RIO Store: bad future for int. customers ? - 04/03/2001 14:17

Will be the sales support loose his quality for international customers ?

Please look at my original message and the Rio Sales answer. By the way I spend a lot of time on the Rio and SonicBlue website to find a answer to my question by myself. But I couldn't found any hints for international sales.

-----Original Message-----
From: [email protected]
Sent: Thursday, Mar 1 2001 02:41 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Delivery to Germany


is it possible for me to order a Rio Product, if I living in Germany ?

And how long time will it take in the moment, to get a Rio Receiver ?


Wolfgang D.

-----Original Answer-----
Dear Valued Customer,

Please keep checking our website for more on this.
* Please include all previous messages (in text format) for continuation of
support and also ensure your return e-mail address is correct.
Undeliverable messages are deleted.

SONICblue Customer Service/Technical Support
Support Telephone Number: 541-967-2450
Customer Service Telephone Number: 800-468-5846

Jose V.

Posted by: bonzi

Re: RIO Store: bad future for int. customers ? - 04/03/2001 14:32

Sounds like appropriate stuff to bring to Tim's attention (as he asked in SF meet thread).

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Posted by: drakino

Re: RIO Store: bad future for int. customers ? - 04/03/2001 14:40

If I remember right, Rob said something at the meet about SonicBlue serving the US and Canada while empeg will serve the rest of the world. I'm not sure if thats just for the car player, all "Powered by empeg" products, or all Rio products.

Posted by: rob

Re: RIO Store: bad future for int. customers ? - 04/03/2001 18:40

The main SONICblue store serves the USA and Canada. Pretty soon they will be opening stores in a number of other major territories.

The old empeg store will serve most other countries, including Europe and Australasia. Tomorrow the empeg store will close for a major update. It will reopen for the sale of accessories in a week, and for the sale of players as soon as we have Rio Car units in stock at our UK office.

So in summary, there will be a short glitch in international supply, but it's nothing to get worried about.

