Didn't see this in the FAQ (shuffled playlist bug)

Posted by: MiloDC

Didn't see this in the FAQ (shuffled playlist bug) - 07/05/2001 00:33

This has to have been mentioned before, but I haven't found anything, hence this post.

When my empeg/Rio Car is in shuffle mode, the playlist count is reduced by half. Why?

Milo D. Cooper
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Didn't see this in the FAQ (shuffled playlist bug) - 07/05/2001 02:25

I guess you have all songs duplicated in two playlist, maybe like
By Artist-[Artist]-[Album]-[Song] and By Genre-[Genre]-[Song]

When the empeg is in Shuffle mode it de-dupes the playlists so that
each FID only appears once, even if it is present in multiple playlists.

It is in the FAQ, but possibly not immediately identifiable on the heading
"Number of songs is to small"

Maybe a new entry with something like "Shuffle/unshuffle song count variation" as the heading?


Edited by mtempsch on 07/05/01 11:33 AM.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Didn't see this in the FAQ (shuffled playlist bug) - 07/05/2001 10:04

It is in the FAQ, but possibly not immediately identifiable on the heading "Number of songs is to small"

More likely, he didn't see that the FAQ list is two pages long and didn't know to click on the "2" to get to the second page.

Maybe a new entry with something like "Shuffle/unshuffle song count variation" as the heading?

I'll try that name, thanks.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Didn't see this in the FAQ (shuffled playlist bug) - 15/05/2001 09:07

So, Milo, we havn't heard from you since... did this seem to be the cause? How you enjoying the player?

Detroit, MI USA