Rio Volt

Posted by: thinfourth2

Rio Volt - 09/05/2001 03:26

Have been looking around at various cd mp3 players and saw the rio volt anyone seen one and anyone at empeg did you have anything to do with this

Posted by: teemcbee

Re: Rio Volt - 09/05/2001 04:29

Where did you see it? Which price? could you maybe post a link?

Got my Mk2! # 080000143
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Rio Volt - 09/05/2001 04:58

on the rio website and i could post a link but i have no idea how to

Posted by: rob

Re: Rio Volt - 09/05/2001 05:10

The Rio Volt has been around for a few months, and is selling in huge volume. I suspect that when statistics come out it will be the market leader. It has received huge acclaim on MP3 bulletin boards, and Hugo seems to like his.

Empeg had nothing to do with it - in fact it was developed out of house.


Posted by: bonzi

Re: Rio Volt - 09/05/2001 12:47

on the rio website and i could post a link but i have no idea how to

On the page one uses to write a message (near the top) is a link a the board software FAQ, including using markup in your posts. Take a look.


Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green