easy playlist management?

Posted by: fredq

easy playlist management? - 02/07/2001 16:15

I frequently listen to one playlist that has about 600 songs in it and that is set to auto-shuffle mde (set through emplode). However there are many times when I want to listen to a particular song and the two search modes, append or replace, don't do what I want, which is to make the song I search for become the current song in my playlist, without disrupting the rest of the playlist. Does anyone have any ideas or techniques that work better?

Another thing I really would like is to be able to add songs to the current playlist by browsing around the menu. Right now two things happen that I don't like: (1) when I select a song the current playlist is truncated and replaced with that song and (2) I lose my place in the menu that I just navigated to. I would love it if I could navigate and select songs to append to my playlist while still remaining point in the tree that I navigated to. This would make it very easy to quickly build up a custom playlist for my mood (or for current passengers).

Does anyone know if there is currently a way to do something similiar to these, or if these features are going to be added to 1.1?


Posted by: borislav

Re: easy playlist management? - 02/07/2001 16:49

However there are many times when I want to listen to a particular song and the two search modes, append or replace, don't do what I want, which is to make the song I search for become the current song in my playlist, without disrupting the rest of the playlist.

I believe there is an "insert" mode in 1.1

I would love it if I could navigate and select songs to append to my playlist while still remaining point in the tree that I navigated to.

These are essentially items 2 and 4 on my top 3 wishes list. I don't think they'll be in 1.1...
