Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files

Posted by: rearviewmirror

Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files - 30/07/2001 23:40

I have been a big fan of Empeg ever since I read about it a year back. I have finally saved up enough to buy one for myself. I was about to hit the 'checkout' button today at, when I had this doubt.

Is it possible to upload files into the unit from my home PC, and download them into my office PC? i.e if I buy the 60 GB unit, can I transfer my whole collection of mp3's from home to office? If it's possible (I desprately hope that it is, because my decision to buy the unit will depend on the availability this feature), is it easy?

Please help!


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files - 30/07/2001 23:58

Is it possible to upload files into the unit from my home PC, and download them into my office PC? i.e if I buy the 60 GB unit, can I transfer my whole collection of mp3's from home to office? If it's possible (I desprately hope that it is, because my decision to buy the unit will depend on the availability this feature), is it easy?

Buy it! Buy it! Don't even hesitate! It's the coolest toy you'll ever own.

But, having said that...

The unit won't, by default, copy files off itself. It's deliberately disabled for reasons outlined here in the FAQ. They had no choice in this matter.


It's reasonably easy to do this yourself with third-party software. It takes a little know-how, but there are people on this BBS who aren't employed by Empeg/Rio who would be willing to help you. There are several ways to go about it, and some of them are even pretty cool.

Consider this, though: if the only reason you want to copy the files off the empeg is because you want to listen to them at work, then why not just bring it to work, plug it in with the A/C adapter and listen to it that way? That's what I do, it works GREAT. It does a much better job of playing the MP3s than any PC software, and I don't have to worry about WinAmp eating CPU cycles while I compile.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files - 31/07/2001 00:00

By the way, it's also possible (again, with third-party software) to use the empeg as a file-taxi. For instance, if you have some large files at work that you wanna take home, you can use the empeg to carry them home. I do this regularly now. Sure beats Zip drives.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: rearviewmirror

Re: Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files - 31/07/2001 00:17

Guess what? I just bought myself an Empeg -:)

Thanks for the quick replies. I primarily wanted to use the unit as a 'file taxi', and to listen to songs at work. From your reply, it's obvious that there are many people who are doing what I want to do. So I've taken the plunge.

Thanks again.

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files - 31/07/2001 01:03

...and to listen to songs at work

One way to listen at work is to use the AC adapter, and connect a set of headphones to the line-outs on the back of the empeg. However, the line-outs will NOT drive a full-size set of headphones (the instruction manual cautions against this) -- there just isn't enough wattage available. They WILL drive a set of walkman-style headphones -- the type that fit inside your ears, IF they are good quality low impedence headphones. I use a set made by Optimus (about $20--$25 from Radio Shack) and my volume settings with the headphones are exactly the same as I use when the empeg is in my car. Sound quality is good, and with the headphones you won't annoy fellow workers. Just get in the habit of always taking off your headphones before walking away from your desk!

I use my empeg at least 8 hours a day at work in this fashion, plus an additional 70 minutes or so a day commuting to and from work (see attached file here


"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Help! Using Empeg to 'transfer' files - 31/07/2001 10:36


Now get your tags in order before it arrives. Read through all the entries in the FAQ section of this BBS to make sure all your questions are answered. Note that there's more than one page worth of FAQs, you have to select the page at the bottom.

Tony Fabris