Owner/phone config

Posted by: tms13

Owner/phone config - 02/08/2001 03:39


Well, after spending a month lurking here and dreaming about owning an empeg (and filling a drive with mp3s in anticipation), I finally took the plunge on Tuesday. I was in Cambridge Car Audio at about 10am on my way to work, and back there to collect it by lunchtime. Living in Cambridge does have its redeeming features!

Anyway, I've loaded it up with tunes, and given it a shell I can log in to, and listened to it a lot at home and at work (it's not going into the car until I get a tuner and a player that does RDS Traffic Announce), and like everyone else I love it. But there's one feature I haven't worked out how to use:

In the "About" menu, it says "Owner: unknown, Phone: unknown" and I'd like to change these. Is it something that can be changed with emptool, or do I need to edit some file on the player? I RTFS but didn't find anything in the emptool source.

Posted by: smu

Re: Owner/phone config - 02/08/2001 03:59

Take a look at my (not yet officially published) webpages at www-new.incase.de. Go to the empeg/tweaking page and read the part about config.ini.
With that info, you can now change those values using emptool. You will have to use the "config
" command. So to set the owner and phone number, issue the commands
config "User Info" Name 

config "User Info" Phone


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, #080000113)
Posted by: Andrew

Re: Owner/phone config - 02/08/2001 04:38

You can set them manually, as has been said above or you can set them in Emplode under Windows (along with setting sfor networking etc). Its under the "File" menu somewhere.


26GB MKII Blue #090000727
Posted by: tms13

Re: Owner/phone config - 02/08/2001 05:09

> Take a look at my (not yet officially published) webpages at www-new.incase.de. Go to the empeg/tweaking page and read the part about config.ini.

Thanks - that worked, although I needed to create the config.ini file first on the empeg before emptool's "config" command would work.

That's a really good resource, Sven - thanks! :-)