emplode v2.0 Screenshots

Posted by: Roger

emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 06:33

Rob said I could "leak" some screenshots from the new version of emplode. Enjoy

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 06:34

The intro screen...

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 06:35

Importing some files...

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 06:36

Search results, showing some of the extra information now available.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 06:37

Playlist tree open.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 06:38

Downloading a player.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: tonyc

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 07:06


Looks marvelous. I can't wait! Actual searches from Emplode! What could be finer???

MkII #554
Posted by: crazymelki

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 07:16

Wow...cool...I can't wait!

Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 07:55

That looks great! There also looks like some interesting functionality. The bitrate readout, last played date and management button looks very interesting... I like the status of all of the items - especially the upload list and the download from player. Great job!!!

Paul G.
SN# 090000587 (96GB Smoke)
Posted by: peter

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 08:25

Rob said I could "leak" some screenshots from the new version of emplode.

Ooh, good leak. Nice and surreptitious. Ever considered a career in the British Secret Services?


Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 08:38

No -- I don't like winebars .

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: beaker

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 09:53

Yummy, I like the look of this very much. Can't wait to get this and the accompanying car player software with the improved/extra features & visuals.

Marcus (beaker)
32 gig (various colours)
Posted by: drakino

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 11:51

I think you misherd Rob. I'm sure he said you could "leak" the software

Anyhow, any plans on changing the sync icon as discussed here?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 11:54

I'm sure he said you could "leak" the software

Wouldn't do any good, as the Emplode Formerly Known As 1.1 will only work with the Player Software Formerly Known As 1.1. He'd have to leak both before it'd do you any good.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: bonzi

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 12:56

Droool.... I like it!

Now, an obligatory wishlist item: having all those cool ways to find tune(s) of one's liking, wouldn't it be nice to be able to enqueue them for playing on empeg (as opposed to request playing immediately, as one can do now)? It would be great for parties, idle browsing through someone else's empeg, ones own empeg with too much disk etc...

Dragi "Bonzi" Raos
Zagreb, Croatia
Q#5196, MkII#80000376, 18GB green
Posted by: cwillenbrock

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 13:04

Oh yes I'll second that request. I've always wished I could enqueue using the empeg the same way I would if I were playing local files through Winamp.

--Chris Willenbrock
MK2 | 12GB | Queue Registration # 2 (really!)
Posted by: bootsy

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 17:12

Cool... what is that funny funnel icon on the right for?

Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue
"Honey, you're wasting ammo..."
Posted by: muzza

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 08/08/2001 21:27

what is that funny funnel icon on the right for?


so.. does emplode automatically scan the database and list by the extra mp3 tags not just the playlist?

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 02:00

Cool... what is that funny funnel icon on the right for?

Wendy filters.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 02:04

does emplode automatically scan the database and list by the extra mp3 tags not just the playlist?

You mean the Artists and Genre trees? Yes. That's generated on the fly by querying the database.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Taym

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 11:03

Looks cool!
Now, what's the difference between the folder icon and the cd icon in the tree structure?

Posted by: Dignan

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 11:23

I gather those are directories on the HDD, then the CD icons are playlists on the empeg itself.

But I could be horribly wrong...

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, etc.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 11:35

One group of icons is playlists you've created yourself. The other group of icons is hard-coded automatically-generated categories based on the database information (Artist, Genre, etc.).

Don't remember which is which as I type this. CDs probably is playlists, folders probably is the categories.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 11:37

Here's another one -- editing the properties of multiple items at once.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 11:38

Yeah. What he said.

The folder icons are the auto-generated stuff. The CD icons are the user-defined playlists.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 11:45

Oh yeah, note the "Advanced" search term edit box.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: morrisdl

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 13:19

In reply to:

Here's another one -- editing the properties of multiple items at once.

Thats the single bigest feature I have seen yet. Does it correct the id tags on the c:\ too?

Mk2-12G Blue (Now A/R Green)
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 09/08/2001 14:22

No. emplode isn't an ID3 editor. Yet.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Henno

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 09/08/2001 15:32

. . . new version of emplode . . .

Great, Marvelous, Wonderful ! !
Any chance that you guys incorporate some old wishes? For example:

- less confusing sync icon (the current one still looks like an 'undo' icon)
- a 'commit and move to next' button in editing properties/tags . . .

(Not that I don't like the 2.0 -- just nit-picking . . . Like I said: Great, Marvelous, Wonderful ! ! )

mk2 6 nr 6
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 09/08/2001 15:40

less confusing sync icon (the current one still looks like an 'undo' icon)

We're looking into an overhaul of most of the icons in emplode before the next version of the car player comes out. This'll be somewhere on the list.

a 'commit and move to next' button in editing properties/tags

Way ahead of you. Well, about 4 hours ahead of you -- I got it just about working earlier this evening. The way it works is that Alt+Enter takes you to the multiple properties dialog, and Alt+3 (i.e. Winamp compatible) takes you to the commit/move next properties dialog.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: edwin

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 09/08/2001 15:46

In reply to:

the next version of the car player

I knew it, I knew it!!! There's gonna be a MK3 Let's see.... Where did I leave that *secret* JPG of it....

Edwin de Vaan
mk2 rev.7 # 080000263 (queue 1232) 6+20Gb blue/red
Posted by: Henno

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 09/08/2001 15:56

I got it just about working earlier this evening

Unbelievable ! !
I'll buy you guys a beer next Euromeet. Any brand preference?

mk2 6 nr 6
Posted by: tfabris

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 09/08/2001 16:43

Um. I think he meant "next version of the car player software", i.e., The Software Formerly Known As 1.1.

You guys are just way too wound-up.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Terminator

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 09/08/2001 16:46

he knows, he was just having some wishful thoughts.


Posted by: andy

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 00:13

I general comment on all the screen shots, are we going to have access to "fid" and "number of times linked" columns on lists of tracks ? (probably as an option for advanced users)

Unit serial number 47 (was 330 in the queue)...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 00:23

I don't know what the final behavior will be in the released software, but in the version demoed at Woodside, you could customize the detail display and choose whatever columns you wanted. There was a pretty big list to choose from, too-- I'm pretty sure those two options you mentioned were available as columns.

I really liked this feature, so I hope it stays in there for the final release.

Tony Fabris
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 00:49


Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 10/08/2001 00:50

Er, yeah, I _did_ mean the software -- 11:40PM GMT is local time for me -- I was a little tired .

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: tms13

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 02:48

Tony wrote:

> ... the Emplode Formerly Known As 1.1 will only work with the Player Software Formerly Known As 1.1

Is the converse true? IOW, if I upgrade the player, will I need a new emptool and JEmplode? (Emplode isn't much use to me unless I ever get a Windows machine - and that's *definitely* not on my wish-list, given experience so far)

Or are the protocol changes backward-compatible? (like adding new tags and config entries)

Toby Speight
Posted by: rob

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 02:51

The protocol has changed for 2.0 - of course we keep emptool up to date, while JEmpeg is someone else's problem (That's why the authors are in the alpha team!)


Posted by: tms13

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 03:06

I have a warm fuzzy glow.

I expected emptool would be up-to-date; I guess that's what you guys use in the lab?

Personally, I like emptool for bulk operations (like "upload -r *") and simple renaming, and JEmplode for tweaking play order (that's too fiddly in emptool).

One thing that occured to me was to edit playlists on the player - is the database built from the <fid>1 files? If so, is it possible to edit these on the player, then tell it to rebuild the databases, and get what I expect? I was thinking of building Perl for the empeg, and using it to (e.g.) sort albums by track number (emptool puts them in random order) and to build an automatically-maintained Artist tree.

Toby Speight
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 03:19

I expected emptool would be up-to-date; I guess that's what you guys use in the lab?

John and Peter use it. The rest of us tend to use emplode.

One thing that occured to me was to edit playlists on the player - is the database built from the *1 files? If so, is it possible to edit these on the player, then tell it to rebuild the databases, and get what I expect?

Yes. Reordering playlists, however, requres changing the *0 files.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: peter

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 03:25

I expected emptool would be up-to-date


I like emptool for bulk operations (like "upload -r *")

"upload -p -r", surely? By the way, as we're in the game of leaking Emplode 2.0 features, that's one of 'em.

is the database built from the 1 files? If so, is it possible to edit these on the player, then tell it to rebuild the databases, and get what I expect?

Yes and yes.

sort albums by track number (emptool puts them in random order)

That's a known bug.

and to build an automatically-maintained Artist tree.



Posted by: tms13

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 03:41

Roger wrote:

> Reordering playlists, however, requres changing the *0 files.

Of course.

A nice tip for viewing the playlist *0 files on the empeg with a standard "developer" image is

od -A x -t x4 <fid0>

which clearly shows the 8-hexit FIDs that make up the playlist.

Toby Speight

Edited by tms13 on 10/08/01 01:33 PM.

Posted by: smu

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 06:14

If you are not ready to remember that cryptic od commandline, you could also install my pretty simple dumplist tool. You still have to know the correct FID for the playlist though.


proud MkII owner (12GB blue/green/smoked, #080000113)
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 10:17

I'd like to also throw in a vote for enqueing from within emplode. It would help me VERY much in DJ'ing the comedy shows I do....


Detroit, MI USA
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 10:42

OK, it's in the task management system. It'll get implemented for v2.0.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg
Posted by: tonyc

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 10:49

In reply to:

OK, it's in the task management system. It'll get implemented for v2.0.


MkII #554
Posted by: tfabris

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 10/08/2001 10:53

Cool. Now all that's left is for someone to decide what the button(s) on the toolbar should look like.

And what about the insert/append possibility? Will those be an option from within emplode?

Tony Fabris
Posted by: muzza

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - wishes - 10/08/2001 14:52

Errr, refresh my memory. Is there a more functional remote control in emplode 2.0?

Just had another good hard look at the pics. This is truly a fantastic piece of work. Well done all.

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
Posted by: nickdiaz

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots *DELETED* - 12/08/2001 11:59

Post deleted by nickdiaz
Posted by: Terminator

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 12/08/2001 12:05

maybe quicktime?

Posted by: bootsy

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 12/08/2001 18:27

Cool. Now all that's left is for someone to decide what the button(s) on the toolbar should look like.

I was perusing the Windows XP icon style guides and started thinking about Emplode. It would be fun to do. I know I personally like my applications to "fit" with the OS. As much as I try to avoid "skinning," is it possible for more than one button theme? Say a 9x/NT one and an XP one for win32, and uh... what ever for the others?

If some freak were to experiment with this, would empeg want to use them?

(PS: I checked the resources in GetRight, with the idea of cleaning them up... man, there are hundreds!

Brian H. Johnson
MK2 36GB Blue
"Honey, you're wasting ammo..."
Posted by: muzza

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 12/08/2001 20:50

Having emplode skins would be kind of cool, especially if the skin type was stored on the empeg and downloaded when you sync'd. Just think, your own personal style wherever you go.....

Murray 06000047
ust increasing my post count
Posted by: veixl

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 31/08/2001 02:29

It checks for valid files when importing music but can it check the files allready on disk? I supose i have several faulty mp3 files on the player but i see no way to filter them out.

[email protected]

MK1 #317 - 20GB green
Posted by: Roger

Re: emplode v2.0 Screenshots - 02/09/2001 09:40

No, it can't. That's what the "mark" button's for. If you press-and-hold the cancel button on the Rio remote, it'll mark the track for attention. You can later search for marked tracks in emplode, and deal with them however you want to.

Roger - not necessarily speaking for empeg