Voice Recognition

Posted by: Cougar

Voice Recognition - 10/08/2001 18:48

When will Voice Recognition come. This feature was discribed since the beginning of version 2 of the player. That was one reason i bought the player. But since a year, nothing happend with voice recognition.

Posted by: muzza

Re: Voice Recognition - 10/08/2001 21:45

VR will be out later in development, as rob described here and here and here. The reason for its delay is described by DiGNAN17, here.

Nuff said

Murray 06000047
I don't think, therefore I am not.
Posted by: rob

Re: Voice Recognition - 11/08/2001 05:39

The programmer I mentioned in my previous post on the topic (John Graley, who joined us from ARM last month) is now engaged in the voice recognition project. He is evaluating a number of products which may prove suitable, including the original product that we started to work with over a year ago.
