emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted

Posted by: mlord

emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 17:53

Under Linux (Mandrake-8.1), I run emptool-static from the v2b3 package, and then type "cd /".

It immediately segfaults to a horrible death, making it unuseable. Can anyone else out there try this and confirm (it won't harm your player).

My player is ethernet connected, for what it's worth.

Edited by mlord on 18/10/01 01:53 AM.

Posted by: drakino

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 17:55

Downloading now...

Both the static and dynamic linked programs work fine under SuSE 7.2. I used ethernet as well. Although I did use emplode before using emptool with 2.0b3, that may have something to do with it.

Edited by Drakino on 18/10/01 01:58 AM.

Posted by: mlord

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 18:10

No, emptool crashes for me always. This is after upgrading the player and using the windows beta emplode to check out some playlists and synchronize and whatnot. I even fixed the metadata stuff, and just plain nuked anything it complained about. Then back to Linux, and .. segfault city.

Edited by mlord on 18/10/01 02:12 AM.

Posted by: mcomb

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 18:13

Same for me on Redhat 7. It seems to work as long as you don't cd to the top level.


Posted by: mlord

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 18:27

I just finished rebuilding it from sources, no difference.
It dies whenever doing "cd /" (or any path that takes one to the top level).

Posted by: drakino

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 18:35

Works fine under RedHat 7.1 as well. Going to check to see if there is a 7.0 machine around in the lab.

[root@Linux001 empeg-car]# ./emptool.static
Scanning Ethernet for an empegcar...
empegcar 'DragonCar Music Player' (ID number 0) found at
Connection is 0x81055d8
2000 Checking connection [Done]
2121 Downloading
1260 Drive 0 size: 18976M, free: 162M, used: 18813M (99%)
1260 = Total size: 18976M, free: 162M, used: 18813M (99%)
2121 Starting download [Done]
2122 Retrieving tags index [Done]
2123 Retrieving databases [Done]
2124 Retrieving playlists [Done]
/> cd Techno
expand: added /Techno
2403 Current directory: "/Techno"
/Techno> cd /
2403 Current directory: "/"

I just tried it on a RedHat 7.0 machine, and would get this when exiting from time to time:

/> exit
Connection closed
pure virtual method called
Aborted (core dumped)

But working with it until the exit, it was fine. I'm not sure what the problem could be.

Edited by Drakino on 18/10/01 02:48 AM.

Posted by: rjlov

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 19:44

If I specify the IP address on the command line (which I usually do), there's no problem. If I let it search for the empeg, then I get a segmentation fault on doing "cd /".


Posted by: mlord

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 17/10/2001 20:22

Yup.. specifying the ip address works for me also. Now I just have to incorporate something like that into my empsync scripts.

UPDATE: done.
My scripts now do "emptool -c" first, to obtain the IP-Address, and from then on they specify the IP-Address whenever invoking emptool. No more crashes.

Edited by mlord on 18/10/01 04:36 AM.

Posted by: mlord

emptool 'sync' locks the player - 17/10/2001 20:56

If my empeg (mk2) is playing a tune when I run "emptool" and then do a "sync" from within emptool, then when the player restarts (after the sync) the player continues playing the tune and IGNORES all button presses (local or on the IR remote). BUG.

Posted by: mcomb

Re: emptool 'sync' locks the player - 17/10/2001 23:33

Yep, I get that one also.


Posted by: peter

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 18/10/2001 04:17

type "cd /"



Posted by: peter

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 18/10/2001 04:18

> exit
Connection closed
pure virtual method called
Aborted (core dumped)

Believed FITNR.


Posted by: Wire

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 18/10/2001 08:41

FINTR, I wonder what that is ... better look it up on the net:


FITNR // adj.

Fixed In The Next Release. A written-only notation attached to bug reports. Often wishful thinking.


Apart from the last part, it sounds promising :)

Posted by: Dearing

Re: emptool-v2.00beta3 is busted - 18/10/2001 12:14

OK, so, WITNR?

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."