Owners Gathering 2002

Posted by: kjohanss

Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 04:20

I have an idea that may trig even more owners to show up on the next Owners Gathering:

Plan the event as early as possible.

I wanted really bad to go this year, but I had already planned my vaication by the time the date was set.

Please let me know as soon as possible so I can plan my do's and dont's for 2002.

Norway, 36GB, blue, MKII - now with the tuner module - Isn't it great!
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 04:44

Thanks for reminding me...Rob S, is there a date set for the next Amersfoort meet? I'd really like to go in 2002, but I'd like to plan for it, including booking hotel/airfare/vacation time, by December. If there are no concrete plans yet, can we try to set a date soon?

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: bobo

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 05:00

please not before march !
because I stay in China until that time :)


Posted by: schofiel

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 05:14

The tentative date for the next one I plan to organise is the second weekend in May, 2002. This will be a weekend event over the Friday, Saturday and Sunday (10th - 12th). The reason it will be a weekend rather than a day is to allow long distance travellers to arrive and relax without too much pressure to return immediately. The location has not been pinned down yet, so it is pointless to consider bookings or other details at this stage.

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
Posted by: kazama

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 06:04

If you are seriously tentative on those dates, I would like to plan a joint meet in the NorthEastern US to coinside with the meet in Europe for those of us who can't get over there. How much planning is needed to pull this off? I am thinking a hotel to book as a small convention. A couple of conference rooms for discussion, hotel rooms for attendees if they want them, plan a drive out, 1-2 dinners and leave the rest open and casual. Maybe we could hook up a video link back and forth for an owners round table. What do you think about that or would it be too much hassle and I should try to plan it for a different weekend?


Posted by: Dearing

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 06:49

I'd kind of like them to be on different weekends so I (and hopefully some of the Empeg Team) could go to both. If it's close enough, I'd probably drive to the Eastern US meet, as I'm not about to ship my truck out to the Netherlands!

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: johnmcd3

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 07:16

I'd drive to anywhere in the eastern US for a meet, whenever one occurs. Flying to the Netherlands for my empeg? I love it to death and all, but....

30 GB - Mk2a (Rio Car) - BLUE / RED
Posted by: Dearing

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 07:23

Yeah, I kind of have alterior motives, as my g'f will be in Europe for 8 months next year. I already told her I'd go see her for a week and try to time it with the Amersfoort meet, whenever/wherever it turns out to be.

_~= Dearing =~_
"WAY too happy about having #99."
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 23/10/2001 12:46

Doug Burnside is seriously considering bringing his empegBike over to NL: given the cost of flights to Europe from the US to Europe in the current economic climate, it may not actually be too expensive.

I like the idea of co-ordinating two meetings with video, but you must bear in mind the cost of setting it up - and the empeg guys could probably only travel to one meet, so one or the other event gets the free tee-shirts...

I have ideas about the content of the weekend, some of which should be serious fun. So I can only say that any visitors from the States will receive a hero's welcome (and possibly win the distance prize too) should they turn up here - now how's that for an incentive!

One of the few remaining Mk1 owners... #00015
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 28/10/2001 03:49

I hope they don't turn up as i will get the distance prize at the next one


Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 28/10/2001 14:05

Hmmmm... If you set up a business meeting in New Zealand the week leading up to the meet, and travel directly from that to the meet you'd be very hard to beat

Posted by: Derek

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 28/10/2001 15:24

That means that you will have to have the meet around the middle of Feb! I will be home (in NZ) for 2 or 3 weeks before then. Then I should have a good shot at the distance prize
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 29/10/2001 13:37

Don't forget the other thing my empeg gets installed on if i get the timing right i could definalty walk the distance prize and it does call into rotterdam occasionally.

Thought it could be a bit of a job to get it into the carpark being 350,000 tons and 375 metres long
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 30/10/2001 00:11

could be a bit of a job to get it into the carpark being 350,000 tons and 375 metres long

Well, depending on the spot for the gathering and a few demolition nukes, you might drive straight in...

Might make it a bit harder for the rest of us though, and you'd probably upset the locals too...

Maybe we could hold the meeting in the docks somewhere...

Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 30/10/2001 16:07

Thought it could be a bit of a job to get it into the carpark being 350,000 tons and 375 metres long

Hey, they've got, like, these canals all over the Netherlands, so you shouldn't have any problems, right?

Posted by: Dearing

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 31/12/2001 13:25

Is the above post still correct on dates for the event? I'd like to buy my plane ticket this month, so if anything's changed, could you let us know?
Posted by: jane

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 05/01/2002 15:40

The tentative date for the next one I plan to organise is the second weekend in May, 2002. This will be a weekend event over the Friday, Saturday and Sunday (10th - 12th). The reason it will be a weekend rather than a day is to allow long distance travellers to arrive and relax without too much pressure to return immediately. The location has not been pinned down yet, so it is pointless to consider bookings or other details at this stage.
Are these dates fixed? When will the meeting be?

Marius (Escort Cab + Mark II)
Posted by: jane

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 05/01/2002 15:40

The tentative date for the next one I plan to organise is the second weekend in May, 2002. This will be a weekend event over the Friday, Saturday and Sunday (10th - 12th). The reason it will be a weekend rather than a day is to allow long distance travellers to arrive and relax without too much pressure to return immediately. The location has not been pinned down yet, so it is pointless to consider bookings or other details at this stage.
Are these dates fixed? When will the meeting be?

Marius (Escort Cab + Mark II)
Posted by: ajayrockrock

Re: Owners Gathering 2002 - 06/01/2002 05:06

Are there any plans for a West Coast meet up around the same time?