Empeg & Rio Reciever

Posted by: JaBZ

Empeg & Rio Reciever - 28/10/2001 03:37

Couldn't find this Question by searching, also
Not sure where I should have posted this, but this board is used way more than the receiver so here goes...
Is it possible to have the MK2 player serve music for a Rio Receiver? (Via Ethernet)
If not is it hackable to do so?, This should be pretty easy wouldn't it?.....Would RAM be a limiting factor?, Does the Rio Receiver have it's own RAM?

Posted by: msaeger

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 28/10/2001 07:15

I think it read empeg did it as a demo but they aren't releasing anything to allow it to be done

I thought I wanted to do that but the screen on the reciever doesn't look much bigger than the empeg one
Posted by: time

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 28/10/2001 10:35

It is a memory limitation as cited here.

Unfortunate eh? It would sure be slick....
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 28/10/2001 11:06

It's smaller, believe me.
Posted by: fvgestel

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 28/10/2001 15:45

Setting it up on the empeg would mean you should setup on the empeg:
- a bootp/dhcp-server for assigning an IP-address to the the receiver
- NFS software to export the root filesystem (kernel, executables, configuration)
- an SSDP-server for directing requests to the empeg
- an HTTP-server for serving metadata as well as mp3's

I have been thinking of incorperating the receiver type HTTP-requests in displayserver, but haven't had the time for it. the other components should be implemented also, so it would only cover half the needs...
If you want to set something up yourself, look at http://www.mock.com/receiver/
Posted by: Roger

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 29/10/2001 04:22

The installation notes for jreceiver are very good at explaining the NFS machinations, too. You just need to apply the logic to your empeg.
Posted by: Daria

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 06/09/2002 22:05

Setting it up on the empeg would mean you should setup on the empeg:

Has anyone done it? I actually intend to to do some other stuff later but it seems like it won't suck to do this now. Maybe I'll have time tomorrow.
Posted by: grgcombs

Re: Empeg & Rio Reciever - 06/09/2002 22:09

In cm I'm guessing it's smaller, but in pixels it's bigger ... 128x32 for the empeg, 128x64 for the rioreceiver.
