Lossless codecs

Posted by: wfaulk

Lossless codecs - 21/11/2001 13:55

Now that we have WAV support, I was wondering if there was any thought to implementing some lossless codecs, such as FLAC, LPAC, Monkey's Audio, etc.
Posted by: Terminator

Re: Lossless codecs - 21/11/2001 18:18

Complain to ARM that we need one :-)
Posted by: borislav

Re: Lossless codecs - 21/11/2001 19:54

Now that we have WAV support, I was wondering if there was any thought to implementing some lossless codecs, such as FLAC, LPAC, Monkey's Audio, etc.

Some thought, yes, but not much more than that. I've looked at FLAC - the reference decoder is in integer-only C, so it should be fairly easy (for empeg) to integrate it with the player. The lack of plugin support in the player makes this hard as a third-party project but is in theory possible with on-the-fly translation to WAV.

Posted by: BartDG

Re: Lossless codecs - 22/11/2001 06:43

I've looked into those lossless compression ratios but haven't found the thing that interested me the most : what is the compression ratio?? With mp3 @ 128 it's about 1/12, @ 192 it's about 1/8.

What's it like for those lossless codecs?
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Lossless codecs - 22/11/2001 06:53

As with most lossless compression algorithms, it's not static. It depends largely on the input. There's a comparison chart, though, that should give you some general ideas. It's far from MP3 or Ogg levels.
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Lossless codecs - 23/11/2001 16:28

An average of just over 50% is pretty damn good. You're not compressing something as repeatable as text after all. I think these compressors will start to play very big roles as broadband speeds increase and as recording media increases in density. I've already seen quotes of 200GB for 2.5" drives and over 400GB for 3.5" desktop drives for 2003. Transfer speeds and interfaces are going to start to become a big bottle neck at that point. :)

Posted by: BartDG

Re: Lossless codecs - 24/11/2001 02:46

...and then they'll just find a new way of going about it, like they always have...