Invisible files???

Posted by: dewdman42

Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 15:21

I have just installed 2.0beta3...and looks GREAT. I also installed the developer version while i was at it so that I could use menusort...and I'm also using Mark Lord's voladj kernel hack. So far, so good...

But.. I decided to delete all my music off the player and resyncronize it all (since I ran mp3tool on my PC to repair VBR headers). But..

I've had to do several whacks at it because the computer has crashed a few times while doing it. As of now, Emplode says I have filled up 37GB of disk space....but I know that the files I copied over from my PC only take up 26GB's on the PC. What gives? It sorta seems like maybe the Empeg's DB is out of whack with the actual files taking up space on the Empeg. But I can't tell for sure. Anyone have any ideas?

Also, for Mark Lord, the resync of the 2.0B3 voladj doesn't work all the way because when it gets to the part about configuring the player, it fails... All the tunes get uploaded just fine, but I have to restart emplode and it does a cleanup step. But the config information never makes it over. I'm guessing that the kernal hack somehow messed with that area.

At this point I think I will downgrade to 1.03, delete all the tunes, resync them all back on there and then try upgrading to 2.0B3 again.

Does anyone have any other suggestions about the diskspace wierdness?

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 15:25

Yes, you can downgrade to 1.03 to delete all the tunes. Remember to downgrade emplode as well.

The tunes are probably still in the Soup views. 2.0 has a different way of handling deletions, and it will change yet again in the next release. Did you not see the other posts on this subject?
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 15:30

I saw a few posts related to the Soups view but I'm sure I missed some..and I didn't see any posts about deleting in 2.0b3.

I looked all over in Emplode and I couldn't find anything called Soups I have no idea what they are talking about...

If its possible for me to just use the 2.0B3 to delete the unwanted files...I would rather stick with 2.0b3...but I can't figure out how...or how to prevent them from occurring to begin with.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 15:33

Soup is the internal nickname for the folders named "Artists" "Albums" "Years" "Genres" and "All Tracks".

Now, when you delete something from a playlist, it does not disappear from the player, it stays there in the soup view.

You can go to the All Tracks screen and delete everything there if you like.
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 15:46

Yeah...I kinda poked around in the "Soups" views by artist to see if I could figure out which files are the hidden ones...but I have a hard time figureing out which files are legimate ones that exist in my playlists and which ones are orphans... How can I detect the orphans?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 15:53

advanced search on refs=0 should show you orphans, I think. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:10

that worked pretty well, I just free'd up 17 GB's of orphans!!! They got in there I guess through all the failed attempts to sync.....when the system crashed or something. Any no biggie, nice to be able to find them.

Where can I find other advanced options?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:11

Where can I find other advanced options?

The FAQ is always a good place to start.
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:13

I've read the FAQ many times. Does it have details about 2.0b3 advanced search options?
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:22

Are you teasing our Tony or what?
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:24

definitely no teasing intended. I'm well aware of all the effort Tony has put into the FAQ and many other things. I just looked at the FAQ and I couldn't find anything about 2.0b3 advanced searching...maybe I'm looking at the wrong FAQ though.??
Posted by: johnmcd3

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:25

(In traditional tfabris style:)

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:26

His point was that I linked the exact section. If your browser did not take you to that section when you clicked on the link, I don't know what's wrong with it.
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:26

yes what? Yes I'm right..there is nothing about advanced searching options in the FAQ or yes its very confusing to find WHERE the bloody thing is?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:28

Did you ever notice that there are sometimes words in bold orange on the BBS? Have you ever moved your mouse pointer over the words and tried to click on them?
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:28

Ah..I see now. When you use a link like that..I see the message arrive in my regular email box and unless I come into the BBS to read it again...I can't tell that you created a link there. If you use some text that is more explicit like:
"Check this link" or something then it would be more clear. I'll check out the FAQ. Thanks.

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:30

Sorry, we did not realize you were reading an e-mail digest.
Posted by: dewdman42

Re: Invisible files??? - 26/11/2001 16:33

strictly speaking...I'm not reading an email digest... I'm just reading the email that gets sent to me whenever someone replies to my original post. Then I click on the link in the mail to jump into the BBS at the new message. In the case of the original message you sent with the linked FAQ...I didn't bother to reread it because it just seemed like a short message that didn't need to be reread. I had no idea there was a link embedded in there until someone specifically told me so...

Hope that makes sense...

Anyway, I had already found that FAQ myself through and found the section you linked me too on advanced options...and it rocks. Thanks!
