Ford time frame for in-car Bluetooth: 3-5 years

Posted by: robricc

Ford time frame for in-car Bluetooth: 3-5 years - 18/12/2001 12:02

Seeing as how some Empeg users already integrated Bluetooth into their cars... Maybe Ford should have bought Emepg (or purchase OEM'd SB stuff).

Posted by: tonyc

Re: Ford time frame for in-car Bluetooth: 3-5 years - 18/12/2001 13:01

Maybe they are planning on just that... We don't know who the mystery OEM partners are. Though Ford doesn't strike me as the most likely candidate... Being a current owner of a Mustang and a (hopefully) future owner of a Thunderbird, I hope they follow through with this!

I'd expect stuff like that to show up more on Tauruses and Crown Vic's, though.
Posted by: rob

Re: Ford time frame for in-car Bluetooth: 3-5 years - 18/12/2001 14:45

That announcement means the technology is getting spec'd out now. 3 - 5 years is a standard automotive product cycle.
