Predictions on how empeg community will change...

Posted by: svferris

Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 12:35

With the price drop, I started to think about what changes we might see in terms of hacking and whatnot. Thought I'd share my thoughts...

I think we're going to quickly see a hack to allow easy cloning of an empeg database so that you can transfer your full file system from one empeg to another.

We'll see a lot of renewed hacking projects, due to the relatively cheap price the empegs could be obtained for. It's a lot easier to cope with breaking a $200 empeg than with a $1400 one.

Anybody have other comments/predictions?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 12:36

I think we're going to quickly see a hack to allow easy cloning of an empeg database so that you can transfer your full file system from one empeg to another.

What, and the EmpegClone tool that comes with the player isn't good enough?
Posted by: svferris

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 12:39

Heh...didn't realize there was one...Haven't found the need to use it yet. Can it clone a 10GB to a 60GB properly?
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 12:42

We have already got a clone tool written by empeg

Also the majority of us out here have laid out about a grand on our empeg.

What i would love to know is what going to come in other mp3 areas which empeg are working on and we i am sure are contributing towards

It would be intresting to know how the HSX would be without the contribution of us and this board.

We know that they are OEMing something for someone in the car industry what comes out of that will be intresting.
Posted by: rob

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 13:44

It can clone anything provided there is enough space on the destination unit, and that the serial number of the destination is later than that of the source unit.

Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 15:17

I have the uneasy feeling that we might start seeing a lot of 31337 h4x0rz show up here. Let's hope not.
Posted by: jheathco

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 15:21

3y3 4m th3 f1r$t h4x0r!!! muhahahah! Just kiddin... :)
Posted by: rob

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 16:16

I don't think so - most of the orders coming into the international store are from people who registered for the queue all those years ago, and from existing owners.

Posted by: schofiel

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 17:17

I hope it will go on, and on, and ...
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 18:22

Remember the phrase about how, with the Empeg, you either "get it" or you don't? Well, the 31337 h4x0r's have no chance of "getting it." This product appeals to a specific kind of geek/audiophile, as evidenced by the superior quality of the discussions here.

Let the 31337 h4x0r's tool around the 'hood with their PhatBoxes and Aiwa CD-MP3 players. When they show up to check out the goods, we'll show them the new stick-figure dancing visual and ask them if their PhatBox does that. :)
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 20:28

Yeah, but they don't need to ``get it'' for $200.
Posted by: tonyc

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 24/12/2001 20:42

Yeah, but they don't need to ``get it'' for $200.

Then someone with more spare cash than me should buy them all and sell them for a grand, donating the profits to the Empeg team (NOT SonicBlue.)

In exchange for voice recognition, WMA support, etc, of course :)
Posted by: jlira

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 26/12/2001 23:37

how many could they possibly have on hand? a few hundred? assuming none of those are bought by existing owners (not true since i just placed an order for 4 more) then of the hundreds left, every one of those would have to be h4x0r and find this site to boot, to have any impact. just from sheer limits of inventory i doubt the community could change
Posted by: rob

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:10

A rough estimate (based on International Store orders) is that about 50% of sales at the reduced prices have been from existing owners. Another substantial proportion of orders have been placed by people who have followed our progress closely for the last few years - there are some very early registration numbers cropping up!

Posted by: dionysus

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:16

Heh; Call us dedicated:)

I've personally got between 2 and 7 coming here depending on which orders actually go through:) (I'll be happy receiving 2 10gb units, and one 60gb unit..)

Posted by: BartDG

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:25

Hey, I wasn't there from the very beginning, though I 've been lurking on the boards for some time. Main reason was that back then I couldn't afford it (being a poor student and all...)
But the day I finally ordered one I knew I made the right decision. Seing (on these boards) how the guys@empeg dealt with customer support had already pursuaded me for a long time. One day after receiving the unit I was a true believer...
So now I've bought 6 Mk2a's (then my credit card maxed out) - two 10's and fout 60gig's. I'm pretty sure I can make some close friends very happy with them...(so no, I won't be selling them on ebay )
Posted by: rob

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:32

So that's where all the 60GB players went

Posted by: BartDG

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:37

So that's where all the 60GB players went

Yeah, you should know Rob, I've sent you two emails regarding it (speaking of which though, it's not like you not having replied by now, did I send them to the wrong email adress or something? - please tell me if I did and I'll re-send them)
Posted by: rob

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:44

I haven't replied to all my email this week - I am on holiday after all

(and this net connection is costing me 10 quid an hour! ummm.. correction, it's costing Hugo 10 quid an hour cos I used his account - ahem)

Posted by: BartDG

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 15:52


Cool! I guess I'll see your answer sometime soon then...

Enjoy your holiday!
Posted by: Narin

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 27/12/2001 16:29

I've been following the empeg project for I don't know how long...after I saw the price drop to $700 I just knew it would drop again. I told eBay to notify me when the keyword "empeg" showed up, one thing led to another, and I ended up ordering it, at long last, for $199 on sunday.

After reading a whole lot about the features of the Mk2, and all the playlist-music-ordering concepts, I know now that I'm exactly the type of audiophile/computer geek this product was built for. I just couldn't afford it until now.

Can't wait to hack it, too.
Posted by: altman

Re: Predictions on how empeg community will change... - 28/12/2001 06:50

Oy! Just use the dircon UK dialup, not one of the roaming profiles!

Grrr :)
