Dead Player

Posted by: alfaguy

Dead Player - 31/12/2001 10:12

My player which I've had for about a month seems to be completely dead this morning. Since I haven't installed it in a car yet, I've been using it in the house connected to the home stereo.

Was using it yesterday afternoon and all was good, this morning it is completely dead. When I power it up it does not boot, make any noise or do much of anything.

Just wondering if this anything anyone else has seen or is an easy fix before I call tech support?

Posted by: Roger

Re: Dead Player - 31/12/2001 10:46

Plug a serial cable in (see the FAQ on and post the log here. There might be something obvious in it.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Dead Player - 31/12/2001 12:02

Have you checked to make sure there's nothing wrong with the AC Adapter power supply?

If you happen to have a volt meter or even a 12 volt test-light, that would be able to tell you if the AC adapter is working.
Posted by: alfaguy

Re: Dead Player - 31/12/2001 13:20

Thanks, I've checked the power supply and it's fine. In fact it is running the 'spare' 30GB player that I got this morning :-)

As far as getting the log file ... that is not going to happen as the unit won't power up at all, no boot logo, no whirring nosies, no nothing.

Anymore ideas?


Posted by: tfabris

Re: Dead Player - 31/12/2001 13:33

Definitely time to contact support, then.