2 players & emplode

Posted by: jwickis

2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:13

OK now that I have 2 players (Empeg & a Rio Car) since Emplode asks you for a serial number I don't need 2 different Emplodes do I, one for each player?
I can just hook one (player) up, open Emplode and sync w/either player or can I actually hook both up (assuming they both have same database) and sync both at the same time?
I didn't think I'd ever run into this and have never seen it mentioned here as to how you go about having 2 players.
Posted by: NicolasW

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:18

I'm pretty sure you only need the serial # when you install the program. I have two also, and haven't had any problems. I think any serial number with the same format will work. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted by: jwickis

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:21

I should've mentioned that yes it does only ask for serial# at installation. I was curious, if you run one Emplode both players would have to have the same software version.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:23

Do both of your players have the same playlists? or are they different.
Posted by: warsaw

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:26

If I do get the second player I ordered (on the 28th, I've been checking the order status every ten minutes all day) . . .

Is there an easy way to sync the new player with my old one, or will I need to rebuild the playlists on the second player? And once the databases are the same can I update both without making the same changes in emplode twice?

Posted by: bonzi

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:38

I think that currently emplode supports only single empeg connection at a time. In other words, you will have to re-apply uploads/changes to other player.

That said, Jemplode guys already have alpha version of their tool that will talk to any number of empegs and enable copying among them. So, you tidy up one empeg (either using emplode or Jemplode), then copy changes to other(s). I don't know details yet as my second empeg still bides its time in Cambridge.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:39

And once the databases are the same can I update both without making the same changes in emplode twice?

That's kinda what I'm wondering, I've been trying to copy a playlist then paste it into my new player but it doesn't work that way. I can't clone my old player because of the serial # issue and you can't have more than one copy of Emplode open at one time to copy & paste one into another.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:43

I tried Jemplode awhile back and it would hang or freeze-up at times & stopped using it. I realize it was a beta so I don't blame anybody. I'll try the new one out.
Posted by: Roger

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 16:59

The serial number for emplode is only needed for installation, and then only for the v1.03 version. Since it's not used for anything, we stopped the v2.0 installer asking for it.

You can therefore use emplode to connect to any empeg on your network (or connected to USB). Or in fact, anything else empeg-compatible, e.g. an HSX-109.

You can't open two players at once in emplode. This was initially due to the legal issues, but since we're now allowing downloads, I suspect that this becomes a moot point.

Also, as soon as you _can_ open two players in emplode, everyone will want drag and drop between them. We don't have anything in emplode to allow this right now.

As far as keeping the two players completely in sync, you cannot currently use emplode to do this -- you'd have to make the changes to both players individually.

Alternatively, you could use the clone tool (but it does a complete clone from one player to another, so it's only really sensible the first time).

You can probably use JEmplode's clone tool -- I don't know what functionality it offers. Give it a whirl.
Posted by: jwickis

Re: 2 players & emplode - 03/01/2002 17:07

I'm going to try JEmplode again for I can't clone my old drive because of the serial# being lower on the new player it won't clone the old to the new it will only clone the new to the old.