Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off

Posted by: Fogduck

Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 05/01/2002 15:59

I purchased a 20GB unit (my second empeg, after selling MK2 #141 last spring) on Dec-10-2001 and know that I am still within my 30-day refund/guarantee period.

Problem is, I have e-mailed and called all last week to try and get a case opened for my $600 rebate. It is impossible to get a human on the phone now, with the phone queue always being full, and I am wondering if they even bother to check their e-mail.

If someone has any BETTER way of contacting customer service, could they let me know?

I have tried:

(800) 468-5846 (queues always full)
(408) 325-7961 (out of service?!)
[email protected] (no response yet)
[email protected] (no response yet) no avail.

If someone who has successfully had a rebate processed or anyone else knows of a better way to reach a human there could they PLEASE contact me?

Also, could anyone who has had a rebate please respond to this message with their original order date, price and the amount rebated? Just as a sound-off.

Posted by: kojak71

Re: Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 05/01/2002 16:34

Sorry to hear about that. Probably of no use to you is that the international e-store did me proud. Sent an email yesterday and by the afternoon got confirmation that the refund had been credited to my card, and I received my receipt this morning. Keep at it.
Posted by: rtundo

Re: Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 05/01/2002 18:22

Try contacting Jim Hafner-Eaton at [email protected]

He helped me straighten out a previous rebate problem. I simply emailed him, explained the situation and gave him my ordering info. I got fast results and friendly service.

Good Luck,

Posted by: Fogduck

Re: Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 05/01/2002 18:40

Thanks, Bob/rtundo.

I get the feeling that when I get an automated response, they assume I've been dealt with and the e-mail doesn't actually get read by a human.

I'll e-mail him straight away and hope. You may have helped me get some $600 USD back! (and with that money, I can get a Valentine V1 and figure out how to wire it to the empeg...!)

With all the agony in the forums lately, I am pretty damn happy to have my 20GB even at the higher price. Its still well worth $900 to me.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 05/01/2002 20:42

>and with that money, I can get a Valentine V1
>and figure out how to wire it to the empeg...!

Ah yes, the other essential piece of automotive electronics in the USA & Canada! Not much point in connecting them though, unless there's also a GPS receiver to map out the hotspots.


Posted by: Fogduck

Re: Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 06/01/2002 00:40

> Not much point in connecting them though, unless
> there's also a GPS receiver to map out the hotspots

...actually, it *would* beat using the concealed display attachment, so I could turn off the V1's LEDs entirely and not have that goofy extra display velcroed somewhere onto the dash.

Oh, and the geek appeal would be pushed closer to the edge of the map...
Posted by: mlord

Re: Rebate Contact Info + Sound-Off - 06/01/2002 06:50

>actually, it *would* beat using the concealed display attachment

Ahh.. but of course.. that could be good for some folks.

I kinda like the "remote" display, perched just under the dash beside the speedo.
