Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve

Posted by: bonzi

Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve - 07/01/2002 04:54

For example:

- My default view is threaded, but I sometimes swithch to flat. If I do so, Index, Previous and Next buttons dissapear (I swear it was OK yesterday - might be intermittent)
- The 'unread' marks just dissapeared from some 80 posts in General forum. I went to personal profile, then the main index, then back to general, and they are back
- Yesterday, a paragraph following a code section refused to wrap
- There was a post several days ago (sorry, I don't remember which one) that produce an error when open was attempted
Posted by: mtempsch

Re: Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve - 07/01/2002 06:06

I've seen a couple of occasions of text not wrapping properly too; haven't noted if it's after code or not though...

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve - 07/01/2002 11:37

The text wrap thing works like this:

If somebody makes a really really WIDE post by using the PRE tag and pasting a wide line of code into the message, or if they link a very large picture, then this might force the message table to be wider than your browser window. So then everyone else's text doesn't wrap right after that post.

In my opinion, each message should be its own table, instead of cells within one large table. It's possible that they deliberately did it this way because of bugs on certain browsers or something, I dunno.
Posted by: peter

Re: Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve - 07/01/2002 11:49

So then everyone else's text doesn't wrap right after that post.

That's just HTML, and, as you say, could be fixed by putting each message in its own table. But there's also a separate bug (at least in IE6) whereby sometimes the next line of a post isn't wrapped but the table cell and table aren't widened for it either and the tail end of the line just isn't visible, even with the window's horizontal scroll bar at maximum.

Peter (with poor tolerance for bad table layout algorithms)
Posted by: Dignan

Re: Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve - 07/01/2002 11:53

I seem to remember this happening before Infopop took over
Posted by: mafisto

Re: Is this release of BBS SW more bug-ridden than eve - 07/01/2002 12:17

In Netscape <6 each nesting of tables squares the amount of time it takes to render. A decent sized page with tables nested three deep can take a minute to render, even if the data takes less than a second to make it to your browser.

That's probably why the BBS keeps the posts as cell information, these threads can get pretty long.