2 emplode questions

Posted by: jlira

2 emplode questions - 18/01/2002 12:57

1. i have a track that somehow is in 4 playlists. but it should only be in 2. is there a way to find all the playlists that reference this track so i can "clean" it out of them?

2. is there a way to reset the "times played" statistic on a selected track?

Posted by: Roger

Re: 2 emplode questions - 18/01/2002 13:06

1. Not easily. Simplest thing is to delete the track (but don't sync), then type 'changed' into the advanced box (assuming 2.0b7 here). Note these playlists down. Bail out of emplode, without synchronising, and then go investigate these playlists.

2. Not easily. emplode has very little in the way of facilities for resetting the statistics. You can delete the whole lot (and your EQ, and your bookmarks) by zeroing the contents of /dev/hda3. Don't do this unless you know what you're doing, though.
Posted by: tms13

Re: 2 emplode questions - 18/01/2002 13:45

In reply to:

Simplest thing is to delete the track (but don't sync), then type 'changed' into the advanced box (assuming 2.0b7 here).

Or use JEmplode as I suggested .
Posted by: Roger

Re: 2 emplode questions - 18/01/2002 13:47

Yep, that's certainly an alternative .
Posted by: jlira

Re: 2 emplode questions - 18/01/2002 15:40

unfortunately i can't get jemplode to find my player via USB or ether