
Posted by: ashmoore

WooHoo!!! - 25/01/2002 06:54

Just got my wonderful 20G Blue!!!!!
So happy, so happy!!!
Have to play with it at home and work now, I can't bear to be without it to install it just yet.

Posted by: jimhogan

Re: WooHoo!!! - 25/01/2002 08:24

ashmoore: So happy, so happy!!!

Congratulations! I remember the feeling. When my number came up on the Mk2 waiting list, I happened to be in Boston as the Empeg was getting delivered to (my mail drop in) Seattle. Fedex set a record, I think, for tracking hits. I whipped out my binoculars and I swear I could see their plane fly over. IIRC, I invented some lame excuse so I could come home a day early.
Posted by: ashmoore

Re: WooHoo!!! - 25/01/2002 08:47

Heh, my only problem now is tearing myself away from it to get the darned thing installed in the car.
Now I realiz(s)e that I need to get extra AC power supplies for home, work etc...
Posted by: tanstaafl.

Re: WooHoo!!! - 25/01/2002 20:43

Now I realiz(s)e that I need to get extra AC power supplies for home, work etc...

This is a pretty good place to get them.
