Explorer Audio Views

Posted by: jarob10

Explorer Audio Views - 03/02/2002 12:49

A nice feature of the otherwise irrelevant to Empeg users Windows Media Player is that it retrieves and inserts a picture of the album cover on the relevant folder within explorer (certainly when running XP anyway).

This feature however only works if WMP is used to do the ripping. It cannot perform a lookup on a previously ripped MP3.

I have also noticed that track information is not always consistenly imported into the explorer view, as was the case when using WMP to rip.

Does anyone know of an alternative tagging software which could provide the album cover download and synch information correctly within explorer ?
Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Explorer Audio Views - 03/02/2002 13:26

Take a look at Tag and Rename. From the looks of its web page, it seems like it supports editing of all sorts of tag data.

BTW, the highlighted word above is a URL. Just in case.
