Uploading via Ethernet

Posted by: ElectricD7

Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 15:29


I have DSL with a public IP here at home. I also have a public IP which I assigned to my Empeg. When I connect to the empeg, I do so via the public IP. Am I in fact transmitting all of my songs to the ISP router, then back to my empeg?? They are both in the same class, with the same gateway and subnet. The only reason I ask is because it doesnt seem any faster when I do this via 10BaseT that when I use USB. Thanks for any help.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 15:35

Class is an outdated notion. If you are in the same subnet, then it is not going out on the internet. With the information you've provided, it's impossible to tell whether this is the case. I assume that the majority of your subnet mask is 255. If you post your subnet mask and the parts of your IP addresses corresponding to the non-255 parts of your subnet mask, then I can tell you if the two machines are on the same subnet or not, while you retain your anonymity.

BTW, the ethernet is faster than the USB in most cases, but is not orders of magnitude faster. Maybe 2-3 times. Keep in mind that it's 10BaseT, not 100BaseTX.
Posted by: ElectricD7

Re: Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 16:05

That tells me exactly what I needed to know. I guess I was just expecting it to be leaps and bounds faster, because I am used to 100MBps home network. Thanks for you help!
Posted by: drakino

Re: Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 16:41

The other issue is that the software loaded on your empeg is 1.02, and it didn't preform that much better over ethernet compaired to USB (due to emplode sending error correcting code necessary for USB over ethernet, adding overhead). 2.0 has improved the speed on ethernet quite a bit, but of course nowhere near 100baseT speeds.
Posted by: oakley

Re: Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 18:15

Yes, the ethernet is ungodly slow. I'm used to using cool unix tools like rsync, but even using wsftp to ftp from my linux box to my windows box on the 100mbit network, it was doing something like 1 song per second.. I was blown away, usually ftp programs aren't that quick switching from file to file.. In contrast, I've been syncing 7 gigs to the empeg for 1.5 hours and it's not even halfway done. I've got another 7 to do later, but I'm anxious to play with this thing a bit. Tomorrow it can sit all day during work and sync..
Posted by: TheTwin314

Re: Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 21:03

yeah, if it were going through your ISP's router then you would notice a VERY drastic slowdown in the speed of ethernet, much slower than USB. ethernet is faster than USB, but not enough to really tell right away.

FWIW It took me around 11-12 hours to sync up 18.5 gigs of songs (and I get to do it all again with even more gigs after I rip all my cd's and correctly name and Tag all my singles mp3's, fun fun) (at about 30 gigs right now and about 4 stacks of cd's left)

Posted by: hybrid8

Re: Uploading via Ethernet - 04/02/2002 21:36

Ethernet on the empeg is about twice as fast as USB. It's very easy to tell when uploading in emplode.
