Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan

Posted by: Taym

Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 06:07

After some mailing problems, yesterday I got my Wooden Fascia made by Rob Vreeland. I just want to publicly thank Rob for the great work, and say that I do believe it is worth the money it costs. The fascia is absolutely beautiful, and I am sorry for not being able to post a picture now. I don't have a digital camera, or any kind of camera, here with me, but I did not want to wait to say this. However, there is some picture in bbs that he posted before sending the fascia to me.
If anyone is interested in purchasing one, don't hesitate, you won't regret. Also, Rob will send it in a very good and safe package, with instructions and all the rest. Really amazing considering that is is all handmade.
Rob, great job! I am now the happy owner of wooden fascia #2 , and hopefully I'll be able to get metal fascia #1 !
Posted by: Nosferatu

Re: Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 06:25

Is it possible to give us the way to order him wooden or CNC fascia, I'd like to order one , probably CNC ?
Posted by: Taym

Re: Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 07:41

Sure, I think he'll be happy to make one for you. He is here in BBS as Cruzths . Just send him a private message.
Posted by: CruzThs

Re: Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 11:55

Glad to hear you got the Fascia Taym.

If anyone wants to order a wood fascia you can contact me at [email protected]. The fascia's are $100 + shipping and can be made in a variety of wood. I currently have about 2 week lead time as I have 4 in the queue.

At this time is doesn't look like I'm going to be able to produce the aluminum fascia's. With the amount of money and time I put into them it's a real bummer. The machine shop that was looking promising had to back out as they are getting a ton of military contracts since the war started and they don't have the time to work on the fascia. Producing them on my machine is too time consuming and expensive.
Posted by: eternalsun

Re: Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 12:17

I'll just chime in here and say that the wood fascias are a work of art. Each one is distinctly different. The different species of wood used really impart a great deal of character to the final product -- that and the meticulous staining that Rob steps through. It's truly a handcrafted product when done. Well worth the price.

Posted by: Nosferatu

Re: Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 13:40

Do we pay you via Paypal or other way ?
Posted by: CruzThs

Re: Wooden Fascia by Rob Vreelan - 07/02/2002 21:43

PayPal would be great.

First - what type of wood are you look for? What stain color? Where do you live so I can calculate shipping?

We can take it offline at [email protected].