Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels

Posted by: Decca

Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 02:33

Hi guys
I'm a brand new newbie - don't have my player yet, it's in transit from the USA to the UK - but I am pretty excited by it.
I'm a computer pro by trade, and like to get fully into things, but I know nothing about Linux. I want to know more about these kernel things! I've read the FAQ thoroughly, but it doesn't explain in enough detail. Are there any good links that cover it in relation to the Empeg?
In particular, re. the Hijack kernel, does this "replace" or "patch" the player kernel? I'm confused.
Posted by: bonzi

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 02:51

Hijack kernel is developed by patching the original kernel (patches incorporate changes by Mark Lord, Richard Lovejoy and I think some others). If you wish, you can download original kernel source from empeg, Mark's and other's source patches from Mark's site, perhaps add some of your own and recompile the beast. However, Mark does all that for us, so the only thing I do is download precompiled kernel from Mark's site.

Also note that the kernel is not the only part of empeg SW distribution. It generally consists of two parts: PC client (emplode for Windows, emptool for Linux) and the part that goes to the player (.upgrade file). The later consists of kernel and root partition image (the most important part of which is the player executable itself).

So, what we do when the new empeg SW distribution appears is this: install PC client software, install the full player software, modify it by replacing stock kernel with Mark's Hijack.

Any clearer now?
Posted by: Decca

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 02:57

Thanks Bonzi

So to get Hijack into my player, I install it as I would the player upgrade itself (but after the player upgade) and it patches the player kernel. OK - seems reasonably straightforward - no Linux expertise required as such then!

Posted by: andy

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 03:56

Yes, you can either use Tony's Logo Editor ( which applies the new kernel over the serial port. The other way of applying a new version of the kernel, once you have HiJack installed, is to ftp to the player and upload the kernel to /proc/empeg_kernel

The second method is faster, it takes a few seconds rather than a couple of minutes.
Posted by: Decca

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 05:37

Whoa - that's added confusion - so I can install Hijack? I never saw an installation download on his web page (I'm running Windows, by the way) just the image and patch files.
I've download the logo editor - this is real cool stuff! So this is not just an mp3 player, it's a computer!
Posted by: andy

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 05:44

I don't know what confusion I added, I thought I was clear. You can install mlord's on the player via one of four methods (I only mentioned two before):

- using Tony's logo editor (just drag the kernel file from mlord's site onto the logo editor)
- running the download.exe app that comes with Tony's logo editor from the command line
- use the ftp method that I described before
- use AutoHijack (search the BBS for AutoHijack for details)

Both the last two options make use of the ftp server built into the HiJack kernels so you can only use them to upgrade from one version of HiJack to the next. When you first install HiJack after applying a .upgrade file you need to use one of the first two methods.
Posted by: Decca

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 06:10

Sorry Tony
I meant that "installing Hijack" added confusion (only to me!)because I thought that meant installation on the PC, but I see now that you mean installation on the Empeg!

My apologies - I'm clearly getting stupid in my old age!
Posted by: andy

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 06:38

That's alright. I'm andy by the way...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 10:22

I've slightly updated the FAQ entry here on custom kernels and logos.

Does that explain it any better?
Posted by: Decca

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 10:51

Yeah - that's good Tony. Just one thing, although it's not that important - is a hacked kernel a complete replacement, or a patch?

I can already guess the answer, I think - if it's going to address 10000, it must be a complete replacement?

Does this mean that kernel code uses absolute addressing throughout?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Newbie doesn't fully understand kernels - 10/02/2002 11:13

Yes, a hacked kernel completely replaces the kernel in flash on the player. I hesitate to use the word "complete" in the FAQ, though, as I don't want anyone confusing a kernel hack with a complete software upgrade.