New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players

Posted by: Neutrino

New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 19/03/2002 15:28

I took the plunge and loaded Mandrake 8.1 this weekend. I am very new to Linux, so if my questions seem fundamental, I'm just starting. I am able to access the internet via my LAN card. I can do email, upload, and download files etc. I can access my players via HTTP but not via FTP nor will JEmplode find them. My pipe to the internet is through another computer running win2K.
The linux client box is set up as DHCP. Is this my problem? Is it unable to receive an address from a win2k box? The client box is also setup as DHCP when booted up under win2k and works fine. Both players have a ststic IP Address. I am running 2B11 and Hijack 2XX something. TIA
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 12:28

I don't have a whole lot to suggest, but since no one else has offered anything yet, I'll give it a shot.

First, the fact that you can access the Internet-at-large and that you can access the player via HTTP would tend to indicate that your networking (including the DHCP) is set up correctly. To doublecheck, get to a command prompt (XTerm, KTerm, GTerm, rxvt, etc.) and run ``ifconfig -a'' and make sure that you see an appropriate IP address configured on your ethernet interface.

Beyond this, I'm not sure at all what you can do. Since you can connect via HTTP, that means that you have network connectivity. Not being able to connect via FTP makes no sense. (MLord, if you're reading, do you have any ideas about this?) Is your empeg on the same network as your workstation?
Posted by: genixia

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 12:43

I've seen this - setting the IP address in JEmplode manually works, but searching for units doesn't. Searching with Emplode works on the same network, so I;m guessing it's not a network/DHCP issue.

Has anything changed recently in JEmplode that can cause this? I'm sure that this used to work fine.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 13:26

Discovery hasn't been touched in almost 10 builds... Keep in mind that Java's capabilities when it comes to broadcasting (specifically introspecting NICs and their configuration data) is not very good, so there are a lot of goofy hack-arounds to try to make discovery work as well as it can.... It's definitely got some issues (until JDK 1.4, where I can get a lot more information about the NIC, but most people aren't running that, so no dice).

I would first figure out why FTP isn't working before trying to figure out why jEmplode isn't working -- sounds like something more sinister, like a weird firewall, router, proxy, or switch configuration (maybe that only allows port 80)

Posted by: Neutrino

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 14:30

Thank You all for responding. Genixia, you are right, that was it. JEmplode will not find the players as long as I ask it to look for them. If I enter an IP Address it will find that player. This works well enough for now. As for the FTP stuff, If I use Galeon or Konqueror(great names!) I can't use FTP but if I use Netscape, I can. The first two must not support FTP Client. I have downloaded ProFTP and will install this tonight. I really think I am going to like LInux once I have a better understanding. The KDE Desktop is really nice. Graphically superior the Microsoft IMHO. Once again, Thank You
Posted by: juenk

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 14:39

I just did a quick Google check on the keywords "firewall default mandrake 8.1 " , and it looks like your suggestion that probably by default a firewall is getting installed is correct. Don't have Mandrake myselve however, so I can't check this out in more detail

Posted by: Neutrino

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 14:45

I will find out tonight. I get 60 days of free support so I will ask the experts at Mandrake if a firewall is automatically installed, and if so where. Thanks
Posted by: genixia

Re: New to Linux - JEmplode not finding players - 20/03/2002 15:10

Have you checked out ?