Newbie here. Need an opinion

Posted by: LaneStar

Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 15:30

I am trying to decide if I am going to run my MKII through my head unit or my head unit through my MKII. I did read the FAQ on this and understand that I can do both, my question is...... Is there anyone out there that is familiar with the Pioneer DEH-P900R head unit, and is its DSP and sound field imaging worth keeping over the parametric eq of the MKII? any help would be great. I really like my head unit but I am trying to decide if I am just wasting my time with it now.
Posted by: DisOrd3R

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 15:47

Sorry, I do not know anything about your head unit.

But as for me, I liked having my Rio run through my head unit. I liked the fact that I could manipulate it all better. Also keeps ware and tear on the Rio down to a minimum. Because I can adjust my treble or bass on the final out from my head unit. Instead of always messing with the clumsy controls of the Rio.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 15:47

is its DSP and sound field imaging worth keeping over the parametric eq of the MKII?

Interesting question.

My personal feeling is that, for the most part, DSP tricks done with echo (whether they are given the fancy name of "sound field imaging" or "concert hall sound" or whatever) are a complete waste of time. All they do is muddy the sound of what used to be a perfectly good two-track stereo recording.

I don't know the details of the Pioneer DEH-P900R unit, so I don't know if its features are anything more than just echo tricks. But if that's all they are, then don't bother with them.

Also keep in mind that this isn't something you have to agonize over. If you're using an external amp anyway, then switching back and forth between the two connection methods is really just a question of re-patching some plugs behind the dash. So you can always try it one way, and change it to the other way if you don't like it.
Posted by: LaneStar

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 15:59

I don't have that much intrest in the DSP features as I do in what I am calling the sound field imaging. I may be calling it something it is not. This is when I conect a mic to the unit and have it test the sound stage in my car from my listening position. I get a system center of me, and not the center of the car. Forgive me if that doesn't make sence. -Lane-
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:18

oh yes...
that is now an option on the Empeg with Hijack...
you can change the Left/Right Delay.
read the Hijack FAQ and you can see how it works
then you would be able to do this with just the empeg, but you still need an external amp
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:19

If it's just a question of delaying the Left or Right signals to properly center the sound stage, you can do that with the empeg now (it's built into Hijack)...

Can't do it with the aux-in (only works on MP3s) but trust me, you won't be using the CD player any more after you get this thing installed.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:20

Damn, scooped again.
Posted by: guardian__J

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:23

and it even almost took me 20 mins to respond
you slippin Tony...
Posted by: LaneStar

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:30

thanks guys, I have been surfing this sight for a while so i feel like I know you. So much information, so little time..... I love this place..........
PS> Hi Bryan.......
Posted by: darwin

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:45

If I remember correctly, you still have to buy the $35 adapter to make your changer input turn into an aux in on that pioneer deck. I have an 8200R and had to buy one when I was using a neo. I still have my empeg going through my aux in of my pioneer, but if you want to save $35 then have the pioneer go into the empeg.
Posted by: thedarkbat

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:53

believe it or not i am in the same situation that lanestar is in. the decision to change everything in my car for the empeg or just run the empeg. i opted for the change everything. i went this route: pioneer deh-p930 to a ip-bus/rca to empeg. not one iota of sound loss and they look fantastic together. nothing but smiles and lots of music. i would suggest going with the extra $35 and a little more hassle.
Posted by: tracerbullet

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 16:54

I think it's all what you get used to. I had my Sony deck long before the empeg, so I ran the empeg into it. *shrugs* I already knew how to access everything. And I use the empeg (forgive me) primarily as though it were a 600 disc CD changer, so this also firmed my decision on it.

Going this direction gives you every feature that the empeg has, and lets the Pioneer add to it as well, if you want it to. My Sony also had a few other features, such as 3 pairs of 5V outputs and such wired to my system already, so it saved time as well. You will likely lose a little sound quality, but I couldn't detect it at all, the Sony was nice enough not to upset anything. As I'm sure you've already figured out, it's a personal preference based on how you weigh out the different features.
Posted by: BartDG

Re: Newbie here. Need an opinion - 26/03/2002 17:06

Isn't that the Pioneer DEH-P9000R headunit you mean? If so, then I've got the exact same one.

I've connected the Empeg to the Aux in of the Pioneer. This allows me to still use the EQ of the Pioneer (which is really good), but most of all it allows me to drive my speakers AND sub separately, a thing the empeg is not able to do since it doesn't have a dedicated sub out.

Also, this gives me the possibility to still play a cd or listen to the radio, even when the Empeg is not plugged in. (which happens frequently on very short trips, say everything shorter than 5k)