Hijack Forum?

Posted by: svferris

Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 18:16

I've noticed that I keep seeing posts with subjects like "Hijack Bug: ..." or "Hijack request: ...".

Perhaps we should add one (if not two) new forums for Hijack Bugs and Requests? I know that the Programming Forum has more or less turned into this, but it would be nice to separate it into it's own forum.

Wouldn't be a bad idea to have a JEmplode one was well.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 19:11

It seems like jemplode and hijack are merging more and more lately... so that might be an issue...
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 19:56

Not sure about Mark and Hijack, but it would be helpful for me to have a jEmplode forum. Currently, there are jEmplode bug reports/feature requests/comments/questions in any of General, Technical, Programming, Wish List, and Bug Reports (and often down inside of other random Threads ). It would be nice to be able to consolidate jEmplode issues into a single forum. However, I don't know if people feel the Empeg BBS is the proper place for that. If others don't think that Hijack and/or jEmplode should have a separate Main topic, I'm cool with that.

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 20:58

IF you are for it, I'm sure no one will complain. Maybe a joint jEMPLODE/Hijack section?
Posted by: mlord

Re: Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 21:00

Isn't that what the Programming forum is for? I think that perhaps 80-95% of postings there at present are for Hijack, JEmplode, and add-ons.

Posted by: genixia

Re: Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 21:10

My vote is running away at the moment...it's a toughie.

I really enjoy this bbs the way it is. The forum titles are directive in nature, but not so restrictive that threads can't wander to interesting places without going out of scope. I think that helps keeping the light-hearted atmosphere around. But, having said that, there is a lot of cross-over between 'projects' and 'programming' or 'projects' and 'technical'. And it is very easy for Hijack and JEmplode to monopolise the programming forum. But how would you resolve this?

Maybe 'projects' needs to get lost, 'programming' needs to become 'programming / software projects', 'technical' needs to become 'technical / hardware projects' and Hijack/JEmplode share a forum of their own. Personally, I'm cool with a Hijack/JEmplode forum being here - better here than elsewhere, and given the impact that the 2 projects are having on users, I think deserved. But I don't make the decisions
'Bug Reports' shouldn't have Hijack/JEmplode stuff in as far as I'm concerned. I thought the idea of that forum was to be Empeg-produced software specific anyway.

I really like the current centralised wish-list. It is hard for the non-techie members to know what element of the empeg software/JEmplode/Hijack trinity is responsible for the behaviour of their players, and therefore to know where to target their wish to. And it's great that the average Joe doesn't have to think too deep about this. Most of the good ideas probably come out of the blue whilst daydreaming on a long drive...it'd be a shame to temper the wild enthusiasm of 'What if it could do this?' by making the users then work out where to post the idea. I'm guessing that ideas wold get lost in the process. Besides which, some features could be implemented in more than one place - the wish is behaviour-centric, not implementation-centric, and the centralised forum is the best place to decide where the best implementation could be made.

Just my 2c
Posted by: svferris

Re: Hijack Forum? - 26/03/2002 22:52

'Bug Reports' shouldn't have Hijack/JEmplode stuff in as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah, this was my main point. I really want to keep the Hijack and JEmplode bug reports separate from the empeg and emplode reports. We really don't want the empeg guys having to look through bugs that are for Hijack when they're trying to find bugs for emplode. It'll help us get our betas faster.

This, along with the fact that Hijack and JEmplode posts are all over this place, is a good reason to make separate forum(s) for Hijack and JEmplode.
Posted by: loren

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 00:30

I second that. I know it'll meet with resistence because people wanna keep things "the way they are" but it would greatly help to seperate out all of the Jemplode and Hijack info. They've become such huge entities of their own, i'd say they deserve a dedicated section. Programming would be the place for people doing other programming projects to get help, but Hijack is just so huge (it's even got it's own FAQ!). My opinion, there it is.
Posted by: mlord

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 07:29

Having a specific catch-all forum for Hijack would be convenvient for me, but then I'd also have no excuse ("didn't see your post..") for ignoring feature/bugfix requests..

But are we sure Hijack is not just a passing fad?

You know, summer is coming to Canada soon (despite the half meter of fresh snow here over the past four days..), and with summer comes rock-climbing and nature photography..

Besides, Hijack is not that huge, codewise.
Posted by: genixia

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 07:43

ou know, summer is coming to Canada soon (despite the half meter of fresh snow here over the past four days..), and with summer comes rock-climbing and nature photography..

Yeah, but there'll be another winter
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 11:31

'Bug Reports' shouldn't have Hijack/JEmplode stuff in as far as I'm concerned.

I agree. Which is why I do my best to post Hijack bugs and wishes in the "Programming" forum. I recommend everyone else do the same.

We do not need another forum for Hijack, the Programming is specifically meant for things like Hijack.
Posted by: wfaulk

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 13:12

I understand your point, but the description for the Programming forum is something like ``Discussions about Programming for the empeg''. The thing is, though, that many people that use Hijack are not interested in programming in the slightest. They just have a problem with a product. The obvious place to talk about such things would be the Projects forum, I think, but that's buried way down at the bottom of the list.

Edit: Hmmm. Seems that it's now described as ``Discussions about add-on software for the empeg''. When did that happen? Or am I just remembering things that aren't true?
Posted by: svferris

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 13:40

The thing is, though, that many people that use Hijack are not interested in programming in the slightest. They just have a problem with a product.

Very well put. I only just started reading the programming forum the other day, because I wanted to find out more about Hijack and JEmplode. I had been avoiding the forum before because I wasn't particularly interested in the discussions.
Posted by: mschrag

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 15:11

I think someone else mentioned this too, but maybe modifying the names or descriptions of the forums would help some. Change "Bug Reports" to "RioCar Bug Reports" and the description to "bug reports for the RioCar player or hardware, not for 3rd party applications" then make the distinction between "Projects" and "Programming" more obvious?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 15:18

I just got done re-describing all the forums a few weeks ago. At the time, there was a consensus that they were correct.

I don't see a problem with the current forum layout and I see no need to change it.
Posted by: NiCKEL

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 15:24

Soon for you, it's already here on the west.

We only got ~3" of snow the whole winter and it wasn't on the ground to long.

Posted by: svferris

Re: Hijack Forum? - 27/03/2002 15:32

Oh yeah...here in San Diego, I think our total rainfall for the past year is like 1.5 inches.