Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!!

Posted by: jnmunsey

Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 30/04/2002 07:14

Wow, I just checked Ebay and a 20GB is at $622 with numerous bids and 2 days left..

Lately it seems there are few units for sale. I got an extra one back in February directly from SB but now I may think about selling it.

I wonder if no other *similar* product comes out how much one of these will be worth.

Shoot, if they get near the $1000 range I'll sell the one in my car as well.

-John M
Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 30/04/2002 17:28

Shoot, if they get near the $1000 range I'll sell the one in my car as well.

I'm not a betting man but I bet you can't
Posted by: lectric

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 30/04/2002 17:40

And why would you want to? It's worth more than that to me. The only way I'll get rid of mine is if it gets stolen or massively broken.
Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 30/04/2002 19:01

Wow, I just checked Ebay and a 20GB is at $622 with numerous bids and 2 days left..

Shrug, when the empeg Mk1 came out and there was a 1.5+ year wait on the waiting list, I remember a 10GB empeg from the first batch going for about 1800$ on eBay.

Supply and demand, man!
Posted by: jnmunsey

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 30/04/2002 20:50

If the supply of new ones runs out I won't be surprised if they go for over $1000. Please don't tell me they already have run out....

With all the wonderful and amazing things the empeg does the fact still remains it still is primarily a music playback device. At $1000 I will gladly sell the sucker, get a CD based mp3 player, and use the $700+ in change to buy my family some nice gifts..

Oh, shrug all you want but considering The $325 empeg I bought 2 months ago has nearly doubled in value already I am impressed.

I get the feeling some of you die hards take offense to the idea someone would actually want to sell one of these after owning one.. It's ok guys, it's just a little computer with a primitive display..

-John M
Posted by: ClemsonJeep

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 30/04/2002 21:45

What do you drive? You could sell it and buy a Yugo and probably have a good bit of change to buy your family presents, too...

Me, I'll keep my Jeep *and* my empeg.
Posted by: drakino

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 01/05/2002 07:08

I get the feeling some of you die hards take offense to the idea someone would actually want to sell one of these after owning one.. It's ok guys, it's just a little computer with a primitive display..

And broadband is just this simple technology that pushes bits of information to my house. But I've had it since 1998, and can't stand internet at 56k anymore. It's the type of thing that you have to live with for a bit, let the newness wear off, and by then it's part of your life. I've had some sort of empeg in the dash for two years now, and also can't imagine going back. I still watch some of my friends deal with mix cd's and cd storage in these visor holders. Or just watching them deal with crappy FM radio and seeing their want to enjoy all of their music from their massive ripped MP3 collections. Lucially the fire sale helped many of them out, but for me, it's not something I ever want to give up. Sure, I could deal with a subset of my music on an MP3 cd player, but I don't want to. I enjoy the fact that if I want all my music in one place, I have it.

The only product that will get me to move beyond my empeg is a newer revision. So far, nothing is on the horizion visible to us, so I'll just hold on to my new 60gb and 10 gb units, and hope that I don't have to deal with going back to limited forms of music.

The empeg is the 3rd device that has affected major decisions in my life. When I went shopping for a car, I did visual inspections determaining how hard an install would be, and based my current car decision off that. And my past two living places have been determained by GSM cell phone reception, and broadband availability.
Posted by: jnmunsey

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 01/05/2002 20:17

Haha, I guarantee you on average most newer CD based mp3 players will out live the empeg(meaning the empeg will have a hardware failure first).. Feature wise, sure the empeg has more, but not everything, and unless you have the audio support it doesn't sound any better either..

I like it a lot and probably will keep it, but it isn't that big a deal..
Posted by: msaeger

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 01/05/2002 22:26

but it isn't that big a deal..

I disagree
Posted by: CHiP

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 01/05/2002 22:31

i agree with the fact that the empeg has totally changed how i listen to music. I'm glad i got a spare because i wouldn't know what to do, or what to listen to if my empeg broke. Its like not having running water....we all enjoy running water, but lets face it, if we don't have running water, we can just go to a well and pump some right? Well, having to dig through a cd colletction to find what you want is like pumping water into a bucket to cook with. It would be nicer to have the water right there ready to go so you can use it to cook, clean and drink whenever you need it, and with out having to run outside and going to the well. .. konw what i mean?

Maybe i feel this way because i love to listen to music, and maybe those of you out there that think that its "no big deal" just feel that way because music is not part of your lifestyle the way it is for some of us. If you're the kind of person that thinks that the FM radio is fine, and if you don't make mix tapes, and cd copies, then maybe you're right, its no bid deal. But i think the empeg was not designed for people like that, and for people like me who enjoy music for more then just some sound in the background while you work, etc.
Posted by: CHiP

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 01/05/2002 23:04

actually, i think it is more simple then that.... i think the simple fact that the empeg is rare, and you can't just buy it at any store, is nice... its nice to have something that someone else doens't have. sometimes being different is better. *shrug*
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 02/05/2002 02:02

I think his point is that what it boils down to is it's just a little box that plays music. It's the coolest little box that plays music, but it's still just a little box that plays music.
Posted by: BartDG

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 02/05/2002 03:16

Sacrilege! Repent, you sinner!
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 02/05/2002 07:04

All hail the mighty empeg!
Posted by: jnmunsey

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 02/05/2002 22:27

Ok, ok, I hail thee...
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 03/05/2002 04:10

I'd pay $600 right now for a riocar Mark2a any size
Posted by: csf

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 06/05/2002 09:58

Drives are cheap, 40 giggers are $140. The size of the empeg isn't an issue, it's the empeg itself. Get into simple economics - supply versus demand and you have the price. I wish I would have ordered a space 10 gigger when they were $199, but I have been more than happy with my single one with tuner (that I don't use too much anyway).

Should my empeg die I will likely go with some solution that uses a hard drive like a cd-changer. It's not quite as cool or flexible as the empeg but it still serves the primary purpose - my listening pleasure in my jeep.
Posted by: lopan

Re: Current price on Ebay for a 20GB is over $600!! - 06/05/2002 11:04

IF.... my empeg ever dies.... I'll pull the backup outta the closet