Best OS to use?

Posted by: DemonSeed

Best OS to use? - 03/05/2002 22:06

Whats the best version of The empeg software to use and why? I have latest beta on...also was wondering how to install and use hijack?
Posted by: Shonky

Re: Best OS to use? - 03/05/2002 22:44

Please read the Hijack FAQ here in this section

Tony has put a hell of a lot of work into putting the main FAQ together for people to read. It's there to read but instead it seems it gets linked to more often than read. There's a big flasing link right above where you creat a new post.

As for your first question the beta although labelled beta is of a very high standard. There are some bugs but they are worth putting up with for the extra features and the ability to use Hijack. If you don't like that (and don't want the features) use 1.03
Posted by: jnmunsey

Re: Best OS to use? - 03/05/2002 23:04

The answer is:

2.0 b11 (beta 11)..

I am one who doesn't care if you ask despite the FAQ. Ask away to me personally if you like..
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Best OS to use? - 03/05/2002 23:11

In all fairness to DemonSeed, the FAQ is agnostic as to which release is the best. Since I don't want to have to update it with each release.
Posted by: Shonky

Re: Best OS to use? - 03/05/2002 23:17

Was I really that harsh?