Splitting Firesign Theater

Posted by: tfabris

Splitting Firesign Theater - 04/05/2002 21:15

I'm considering taking my ripped copy of Firesign Theater's "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers" and splitting it up into tracks with titles for each section. It's only two tracks (side 1, side 2) as it comes out of the box.

Any firesign theater fans already done this? How would you title the tracks?
Posted by: Satan_X

Re: Splitting Firesign Theater - 04/05/2002 21:28

I feel your pain. When they trasfered the 1st Husker Du album (Land Speed Record) to CD they did it as two tracks (Side 1 & Side 2). I haven't had the raw courage to take on that yet.......
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Splitting Firesign Theater - 04/05/2002 21:32

My Gapkiller program has a fairly easy-to-use splitting feature, the only hard part is deciding where to put the track breaks. Note, if you use Gapkiller remember that the file must have only ID3v1 tags on it (you can re-add V2 tags after you're done messing with the files), and if you split VBR files you need to fix up the headers on the resulting split files (for instance, with MP3 Tag Studio).
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Splitting Firesign Theater - 05/05/2002 11:23


I left mine whole. In almost all cases, I listen to this sequencially anyway. If you want to break it up for ease of upload or listening:

a) mark your favorite bits first and split these out and give a name that makes sense to you
b) break the remaining sections into evenly timed bits (say 5 or 10 minutes per file, give or take a bit based on content - works best if it is an even multiple of your daily commute)
c) don't bother making sane references to the evenly timed bits, maybe just some cryptic "DCTD1.1.4" mimicing the ever popular SCSI / Unix convention c0t0d0s0...

I have done that for some of the old National Lampoon Radio Hour I had laying around, but generally I leave it as one bit.
Posted by: Micman2b

Re: Splitting Firesign Theater - 06/05/2002 16:24

Is this the Firesign album with "Side 5" also?
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Splitting Firesign Theater - 06/05/2002 16:42

No, it's just got "This side" and "The other side".
Posted by: Ezekiel

Re: Splitting Firesign Theater - 06/05/2002 20:51

See? It's split for you already!
