Orinoco WaveLAN EC

Posted by: seang

Orinoco WaveLAN EC - 05/05/2002 13:03

Anyone know the WaveLAN EC can work with multiple ethernet devices? I would like to hang a 4 port hub to it so that I can connect my Empeg, laptop and/or iPaq off of it.
Posted by: robricc

Re: Orinoco WaveLAN EC - 05/05/2002 14:17

I tried it. See this post on the RioReceiver BBS. It doesn't seem to work. Only one dvice would get an IP if using DHCP. If using static IPs, only one IP is pingable and/or usable. I also tried using a hub instead of switch. Still no luck.

The way I have it set up now is I have my wireless router in my stereo rack. Of course, all 3 wired ports on that thing work properly. My PC is using a Orinoco USB gold adapter and i sync the empeg through the router.
Posted by: grgcombs

Re: Orinoco WaveLAN EC - 05/05/2002 20:05

I bet you could run one of those cable/dsl routers off of it ... since they only expect one ip address, and can NAT a number of additional ones off to other devices.

If you wanted to get really crazy, you could use an orinoco wireles converter ... then run that to a linksys dsl/cable/wireless switch ... run your entertainment devices off that switch then have the wireless portion of that router work as a range extender for your laptop ....

I doubt that last bit will work, but a straight dsl/cable router off the orinoco EC should be fine. Those are getting cheap these days.

Instead, I think I'm going to get a Linksys WAP11 ... and put it in client only mode, do the cable/dsl router off of that .... (linksys replaces orinoco in this case). The benefit here is that once I move into a house, I'll be able to drop a cable to that WAP and a switch and have an extension to my wireless network, along with 100BT speeds to my entertainment devices.

Confusing? Just ask and I'll try to clarify once the part of my brain currently occupied by finals is cleared out by lots of Paulaner Heffe
