Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg?

Posted by: Mario

Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 05/05/2002 14:13

Hi guys,

I always rip complete CDs, I copy them into the empeg and I hear the hole CD, after a while I notice which songs I like and which I don't. I'd like the delete the ones I don't like "on the fly" while listening to them whitout using the emplode software, is that possible? (I've read the Faqs and search the Forum without success)...

Posted by: rob

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 05/05/2002 14:16

Nope - the disks are mounted read only, so you can't delete anything. If you're running Beta 11 you can mark tracks, though, and delete them easily from emplode later.

Posted by: Mario

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 05/05/2002 15:21

Hi Rob,

uhhmmmm an answer from Rob in person (what a honour!)....that's a pretty good tip, I could even just press the mark (cancel) buttom in the remote :-)
I've never used this feature I guess the marked songs are in some ways noticed in the Soap in emplode somewhere...I'll find out tomorrow at work. :-)

Wouldn't be this something for the FAQ?

by the way you write "Carpal Tunnel" in your alias. (I don't know if it's just funny ment) Well I suffered from RSI for a whole year, thanks God I'm now improving after being 5 months ouf of work (back to work since 2 months)....

Posted by: AndrewT

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 05/05/2002 16:15

You can search for marked tracks in Emplode & Jemplode.

The Carpal Tunnel title is generated by the BBS software according to the number of posts made by that member as described here, probably not funny if you've ever suffered from RSI though.

Posted by: rob

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 02:35

I could even just press the mark (cancel) buttom in the remote

In fact that's the only way to mark tracks (that I know of).

I'm sure there was something in the FAQ about not being able to manipulate content on the fly because of the disks being mounted RO, but I can't find it. It's certainly been discussed here a few times, so perhaps we should shout "Write the FAQ!!" at Tony (for a change).

by the way you write "Carpal Tunnel" in your alias. (I don't know if it's just funny ment

I have as much control over that as you do over your "Stranger" tag. I think it's quite appropriate for what it's trying to convey (a hell of a lot of typing over the years!) and while your mileage may vary, I would think it's best not to be too sensitive to that kind of humour. I'd hate to live in a politically correct world of victimless humour and in this case I'd say the joke isn't so much black as white with a hint of soot (coming soon from a Dulux outlet near you).

Posted by: Mario

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 03:21

Hi guys,

Now I'm at work (well yes, at work is where I do this!) yes, the marked funtion works nice with emplode.

Rob, you can also mark a song in empeg under "Bookmarks -> Mark track for attention" (I guess you'll think now...of course! and your hand hitting your forehead!).

<off topic on>
About the Carpal Tunnel thing, of course I doesn't border me at all, I find it funny too since it's got some sense on it!. By they way for all those who may (have) suffered from RSI, back pains, any kind of muscular pains or similar symtomes I recommend the book of....well I have that book at home, it said that all this problems are from psycological nature (I've read maaaaany books on the subject) and well it's true, after taking a 5 months break, getting rid of stress, sleeping well again, leaving my nervousbreaking girlfriend, going out again, making friends, forgetting about computers for a while, enyoing life again, buying an empeg! and planning my 6 months round trip to Australia with a Mottorhome (I'm very excited about that!)...well seemed to worked for me, I'll post the title of the book tomorrow, may someone be interested!
<off topic off>

by the way thanks for the explanation about the alias, I was wondering too why I'm an stranger, because I'm an spanish guy living in Ireland? ;-)

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 04:12

That list isn't right cause I have over 500 posts but my thing says enthusiast.
Posted by: rob

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 05:57

It only counts useful posts

Posted by: rob

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 05:58

Yeah I remember the bookmarks menu entry now - I've always thought it was a really inappropriate place to put it!

Posted by: smu

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 06:24

Letting Robs comment aside, the BBS software doesn't update the titles for some people. Probably because it dislikes them. ;-)

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 09:06

we should shout "Write the FAQ!!" at Tony (for a change).


Slave driver.
Posted by: Mario

Re: Is it possible to erase songs direct on the empeg? - 06/05/2002 09:40

Well, I'm already of my questions is in the FAQ!, I definetly feel different today ;-)
