A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks

Posted by: bonzi

A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 05/05/2002 16:38

Does this remind you of 'Space Merchants' ? For a while I thought it was a parody...
Posted by: tfabris

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 05/05/2002 17:20

Wow, great article!

I especially like their Heinlein quote:

    There has grown up in the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or a corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years , the government and the courts are charged with the duty of guaranteeing such profit in the future, even in the face of changing circumstances and contrary public interest. This strange doctrine is not supported by statute nor common law. Neither individuals nor corporations have any right to come into court and ask that the clock of history be stopped ,or turned back, for their private benefit.
    - "Life-Line"
Posted by: visuvius

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 05/05/2002 17:44

HA, that was really funny. What a deuchnozzle.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 05/05/2002 18:21

Are you sure that isn't satire. Maybe Kellner is trying to get some free publicity. When will we be signing these contracts when we buy tv's. Or maybe we will have to lease them like the old phones for bell.
Posted by: Anonymous

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 03:51

Yeah, contracts? I didn't sign a contract. Did you?

Soon radios will be made that won't allow to change fequencies during a commercial? Ha. I'd like to seem them implement that into the Radio Shack kit.

He's just another greedy socialist cunt promoting unjust laws for his own benefit. Ironic.
Posted by: rob

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 06:09

He's just another greedy socialist cunt promoting unjust laws for his own benefit

I think you have that a bit backwards..

Socially aware, driven by personal freedoms: Socialist
Economically aware, driven by corporate freedoms: Capitalist

I'd say he falls into the latter (although I don't take that particular article seriously).

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 06:17

Yes, he's trying to capitalize off of a socialist-type law. That's what I think many socialists (at least the powerful ones) are trying to do. Capitalizing through free-trade is fair game. This guy is just making up rules as he goes along.
Posted by: rob

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 06:19

I used to believe in stuff when I was your age too.

No.. wait.. I'd given up by then.

How's your car stereo?

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 06:24

Yeah, I'm at that stage where I still think that my life is actually gonna amount to something.

But the empeg's still strong. Besides an occasional IDE-unmasking failure, it's holding up good.
Posted by: rob

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 06:26

Yeah, you think your life is gonna amount to something but then you end up a software manager with SONICblue.


PS If my boss is reading, just kidding!
Posted by: blitz

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 06:53

Wait until you wake up and find you did amount to something after all but that doesn't mean squat in the final analysis. That being said, if you die having owned an empeg, you have a definate leg up on the competition.
Posted by: Mario

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 07:12

I thought the latest when I wrote my first "Hello world" programm with BASIC...uhhhmmmm....20 years ago in my ZX81 :-)

Posted by: Anonymous

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 08:24

Haha. I just wrote my first "HelloWorldApp" in java a couple weeks ago. I didn't realize "HelloWorld" was the standard.
Posted by: bmiller

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 09:18

You're a man among capatalist children...
Keep up the good fight.
Posted by: Alexander

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 16:55

Good Lord.

Wait, no, I don't believe in him...

Posted by: Alexander

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 06/05/2002 16:58

Ok, I just can't keep quiet. How can you claim to believe in "personal freedoms", but are perfectly willing to support heavy taxation (read: taking away my personal freedom to keep the fruit of my labors) in order to further social goals with which I might not agree?

That's the real crux of the issue for me. It's not like I love corporations or don't believe in doing good things for society, it's just that I'd like to have the freedom to support those causes that I believe in and withold my support from those I don't.

Posted by: rob

Re: A moron from 'Entertainment' cartel speaks - 07/05/2002 05:47

Who is that question aimed at?

Not me, hopefully, as I haven't expressed any personal views in this thread. I just tried to clarify a definition.
