Backing up MP3s on another comp. using Empeg

Posted by: CurlyKicker

Backing up MP3s on another comp. using Empeg - 06/05/2002 12:59

I'd like to just confirm what I think I already know:

I'd like to back up my MP3s on another computer. To do this I just install the matching version of Emplode on the new comp and hook up my Empeg. (Then, of course, right click on the tracks I'd like to download/back up) Is this procedure correct (is it really this simple)? And is there a way that I can select multiple tracks at once to be downloaded?

(BTW, I searched the FAQ and no detailed instructions for this process are included, I believe, other than here)

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Backing up MP3s on another comp. using Empeg - 06/05/2002 13:12

I'm getting ready to do this very soon too...

To download multiple tracks, simply select a folder or multiple tracks and right click to download (running 2.00beta11).

But Jemplode is a bit better about how it downloads. You can specify how you want the files named... This will allow you to by-pass the limitation mentioned in the FAQ. when you use something like MP3 Tag Studio. If your tags were pretty accurate prior to uploading, this probably wont be a big concern for you.

When you say "another computer" do you mean that you have the collection on 2 PC's and the Rio too?
Posted by: CurlyKicker

Re: Backing up MP3s on another comp. using Empeg - 06/05/2002 13:18

In reply to:

When you say "another computer" do you mean that you have the collection on 2 PC's and the Rio too?

No, the other computer has no MP3s on it and it has never been in contact with an Empeg or had Emplode installed. That's why I'm thinking that there might be some confusion when trying to do this process.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Backing up MP3s on another comp. using Empeg - 07/05/2002 03:45

You might want to try using hijack and FTP. I don't know which is faster, but if the other machine does not have emplode or jemplode on it, at least you can get the files down.
Posted by: CurlyKicker

Re: Backing up MP3s on another comp. using Empeg - 07/05/2002 13:25

I installed Emplode on the other comp last night. Everything worked great. I was able to download tracks flawlessly.