How fragile is the Empeg?

Posted by: MisterBeefhead

How fragile is the Empeg? - 06/05/2002 20:04

I have noticed that when I hit a big bump, the empeg will sometimes jump out of the sled. Not all the way, just half an inch or so. What I really have is two questions:

Is a jolt this hard something I should be worried about?
If not, then is there any way to tighten up the sled a bit?

Posted by: kswish0

Re: How fragile is the Empeg? - 06/05/2002 22:22

If the handle of your empeg is pushed all the way down, it should hook into place in the sled and not come out. There are hooks attatched to the handle that come out of the top of the empeg that connect it to the sled so it wont come out. If this is not possible due to your install, then maybe bending in the tabs on your sled where it contacts the empeg would make it a little bit tighter fit and keep it from coming out. As far as damaging the empeg, I've never had any problems with mine due to bumps in the road. It has special features built into it which are made to protect it from bumps. The hard drives are only spun up about every 4 songs that are played and it is only for a very short time that they are. Plus, the hard drives are shock mounted.
Posted by: msaeger

Re: How fragile is the Empeg? - 06/05/2002 23:15

does your sled have a bend at the top ? some of them didn't get the top bend put on maybe without that the empeg wouldn't go in all the way ?