Video streaming ?

Posted by: thinfourth2

Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 00:33

Okay we can get MP3 streaming via hijack how far a leap would it be to have video streaming from files stuck on the hard discs of the empeg.

This might actually be useful for me as well as really cool.
Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 01:02

If it's a streamable file (i.e. a .wmv file or similar), then all you need to do is ftp it onto the empeg and then open the link from the hijack web server in Windows Media Player or something.

If it's not a streaming format by default, you'd need some software empeg-side to stream it for you, otherwise you'd just have to wait 'till it downloaded.

But why would this be useful? You couldn't do it in the car, and desktop hard disks are far cheaper than laptop ones - just shove a 120gb HD in your PC, or even an external USB2 one if you want to move it to different machines - far easier, quicker, and better, I'd have thought.


Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 01:07

I could do it in the car as my car has ethernet to the glove box and boot.

The main use for it would be though when i go on a ship any small video files i want to take with me could hid in the empeg.
Posted by: snoopstah

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 01:11

Oh, OK, that could be cool then...

There's nothing to stop you storing the files on the empeg - just ftp 'em onto it. To play them without downloading first will require fancy software for things like DivXs though, as these need to be complete before they will play, generally.

Theoretically, if you installed samba or something on the empeg, you could make the HD viewable as a drive under windows, and hence play the files without downloading them fully. I don't know if anyone has got samba working on the empeg though.

Hope this helps,

Posted by: tfabris

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 10:30

The main use for it would be though when i go on a ship any small video files i want to take with me could hid in the empeg.

You could create an INDEX.HTML file with links to the video files, drop it and the files onto the player's root directory, and that's all sorted then. No need to special-code Hijack for it when the capability is already there.

If you want to get fancy, grab CharcoalGray99's really nifty XML-based navigation pages, and edit those to add the links to your video files.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 11:51

small videos, long trip on a ship, hiding? hrm.. makes one think :-P hehe jus messing
Posted by: thinfourth2

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 12:00

No the porn is already on the ship this is for open university stuff
Posted by: JeepBastard

Re: Video streaming ? - 09/05/2002 13:51

It would be great if we could see video clips playing in basiclly one bit resolution. That would be great entertainment for people in the car.

That is a hack i'd like to see.