24Bit 96KHz Capability

Posted by: maczrool

24Bit 96KHz Capability - 02/06/2002 23:40

Now that we will have digital output boards available for our Empegs shortly, is there any reason (such as a hardware limitation) why the Empeg couldn't output 24 bit 96 KHz through the digital output add-on, provided that it could play a high resolution/sample rate file format? I know that the chip that the board uses is capable of handling this and other hi rez/sample rate formats. Ogg Vorbis and I believe AAC and various lossless compression formats support these as do of course uncompressed files.

Any thoughts?

Posted by: Shonky

Re: 24Bit 96KHz Capability - 03/06/2002 01:13


Without getting into headroom, oversampling, interpolation and all that sort of stuff I don't think there would be too much to gain.

Given that normal audio CDs only have 16 bits of resolution, I don't see how it would be any better. If you are using your SP/DIF card then you are probably already using a pretty high end D/A converter which means upsampling and converting to 24 bits wouldn't help too much since the original information was only 44.1kHz / 16 bits.

If you're talking about these new 24bit 96kHz "super" audio CDs as sources then that's a different story and it might be justified.
Posted by: altman

Re: 24Bit 96KHz Capability - 03/06/2002 02:18

The hardware simply isn't capable of outputting anything other than 44.1kHz 16 bit. Sorry, that's the way it was designed - ideal match for CD audio.
