First SMT prototype digital out built

Posted by: maczrool

First SMT prototype digital out built - 18/06/2002 10:41

I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but thought some of you would like to see the first of two designs I have been working on. This one does fit in the rear of the Empeg, but there are some issues with the rather large Molex connectors. I am hoping to locate some smaller ones for the final product, but I haven't found any distributors that will sell in reasonable quantities, so these may have to do.

I will assemble the second, slightly smaller board that may allow better fit of the current connectors tonight and test the first.

Posted by: fede

Re: First SMT prototype digital out built - 18/06/2002 12:29

That looks very encouraging. I can't wait for the chance to try one of them.
Posted by: beaker

Re: First SMT prototype digital out built - 18/06/2002 14:41

That looks very professional. Excellent work . I'm thinking of using SMT stuff on my next fan controller board.
Posted by: maczrool

Re: First SMT prototype digital out built - 19/06/2002 07:30

Thanks, I think I used a bit too much solder, but other than that, I'm pleased with the results. I did finally test it out last night and it works, so it looks like we're in business. I still need to build the other version, which I will do tonight.
