
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Mpeg? - 22/06/2002 08:24

Is it possibe to play MPEGS on the Empeg? I imagine the difficult part would be the video output.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Mpeg? - 22/06/2002 09:29

There is no video output on the player, and no easy way to add one.

I'm told that someone once wrote an MPEG4 decoder that would dither the image down to 2-bit and size it to the player's display screen. It was never released publicly.
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Mpeg? - 22/06/2002 15:39

that sounds pretty slick, did u ever use it tony? and was there sound with the video?
Posted by: ashmoore

Re: Mpeg? - 22/06/2002 20:24

Can you imagine what that would look like?
If the 'car mode' turns of visuals because of potential accidents then a 2-bit rendition of a full color 640x480 would cause the car to explode!
mind you, in a Pinto anything is possible, just ask hollywood.........
Posted by: CrackersMcCheese

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 03:51

I was thinking more of displaying music videos on a Toshiba e570 pocket PC, or to a 5" TFT monitor. Any way to get that video out?
Posted by: drakino

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 09:41

I'm told that someone once wrote an MPEG4 decoder that would dither the image down to 2-bit and size it to the player's display screen. It was never released publicly.

Hmm, that seems a bit out there. I think your mixing togther info from threads like this one talking about the StrongARM being capable of decoding MPEG4 video. It's such a demanding task on an iPaq, that I don't see enough power left over to dither it down/rescale it well.
Posted by: rob

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 12:26

Quarter resolution is quite achievable.

Time domain dithered video on the empeg display looks.. umm.. kinda cute, in an unpractical way. Definitely just a gimmick (which is probably why John R couldn't resist doing it).

Posted by: drakino

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 12:30

Wow, I will continue to be amazed what people can do in their spare time
Posted by: rob

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 12:36

This was about a year ago.

Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 12:40

why was it never made public, that would be kinda fun to put onto the player
Posted by: schofiel

Re: Mpeg? - 23/06/2002 14:42

Well, actually Tony.....

.. you should really have been at the Amersfoort meet, you know
Posted by: rob

Re: Mpeg? - 24/06/2002 07:57

I don't think that particular gadget will have the bandwidth for full motion video..

Posted by: andym

Re: Mpeg? - 24/06/2002 12:46

Stop teasing, you guys. I really do wish I could have been there, I'll definitely be there next year, nothing other than premature death will stop me!
Posted by: avatarTX

Re: Mpeg? - 24/06/2002 13:44

I don't know.. I have a hard enough time driving with just the normal visuals that my player already comes with, let alone full blown streaming video with high quality sound.

Assume for a moment that it IS possible, and a feature that we all have in our players. What would you want to upload and watch?
Posted by: justinlarsen

Re: Mpeg? - 24/06/2002 13:48

i would watch them, it would be fun.