Should have just left it.

Posted by: JrFaust

Should have just left it. - 01/04/2003 22:40

Ok I scratched my lens on the inside and thought.. Hey I'll just buff that out a bit with my dremel. Well, I got just a tad over zealous then it was like my hand got stuck for a second and made this small but, butt ugly mark on my lens. So I was wondering if anyone is looking to maybe sell their blue lens for a MKIIa? ( if it's in good shape that is ) Or does support have any they can sell?
Posted by: skibum

Re: Should have just left it. - 01/04/2003 23:37

contact carsupport and Rob should be able to sort you out with a new one for 10UKP.
Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

Re: Should have just left it. - 02/04/2003 05:05

The Darkstorm lenes are MUCH easier to read the screen with. They lack that "fuzzy" look (which was put there to reduce glare but makes the text look blurry). I seriously recommend getting a Darkstorm lens. My favorite is "smoke" which makes the empeg a green color that is very easy to read - but there are many colors available.
Posted by: JrFaust

Re: Should have just left it. - 02/04/2003 06:01

I do have a neon red and a smoke coming, but would still like to have my blue one you know to keep it some what original.
Posted by: djc

Re: Should have just left it. - 02/04/2003 06:45

i've got a blue lens that i'll never use. PM me an address and i'll mail it to you.

Posted by: JrFaust

Re: Should have just left it. - 02/04/2003 10:10

You have mail!!!

Very cool thank you.
Posted by: tfabris

Re: Should have just left it. - 02/04/2003 10:51

Ok I scratched my lens on the inside and thought.. Hey I'll just buff that out a bit with my dremel.
The inside of the factory lenses are coated with an anti-RF coating, so buffing a spot on the inside of the lens would cause a "blank spot" that would look funny. You're right, you should have just left it.
Posted by: JrFaust

Re: Should have just left it. - 30/04/2003 19:51

Did the lens ever get mailed, just checking just in case you have. Not complaining i just wasn't sure if you sent it or not, cause if it did it must be in mail la la land. That or a Wisconsin mail-person has an Empeg with a new blue lens.

Thanks again.
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Should have just left it. - 01/05/2003 03:54


If you are still looking for an original empeg Mark2a blue anti-reflective lens (there was a non-ar lens, so I am being very specific), send me a PM with your address, and I will send you one. I have a few around.
Posted by: djc

Re: Should have just left it. - 01/05/2003 06:18

yep, although it just went out yesterday. keep an eye open for it.

Posted by: JrFaust

Re: Should have just left it. - 01/05/2003 15:01

Oh kewl thanks!!!
Posted by: burdell1

Re: Should have just left it. - 07/05/2003 10:40

if anyone has another one, I would love to buy it from you. I just scratched mine the other day with my keys.
Posted by: burdell1

Re: Should have just left it. - 08/05/2003 09:49

does anyone have another one?
Posted by: pgrzelak

Re: Should have just left it. - 08/05/2003 10:10


Unfortunately, I do not anymore. I sent it off (with a complete set of lenses) to CastingFool as samples. Assuming you are looking specifically for the empeg anti-reflective blue.
Posted by: phi144

Re: Should have just left it. - 08/05/2003 10:23

I may have one around somewhere. If you are still looking let me know and I will see what I have.

I'm assuming you are looking for the original empeg blue?
Posted by: burdell1

Re: Should have just left it. - 08/05/2003 10:26

yeah...i am looking for the original Empeg MK2 one...Thanks!