TV/Weather/AM/FM Radio Module $30

Posted by: SE_Sport_Driver

TV/Weather/AM/FM Radio Module $30 - 21/09/2003 20:06

I actually have one of these and use it w. my empeg. I just have a RCA to mini jack leading from my AUX in to my center console. Then I just plug this thing in. It's not the best, but you can't beat the price. and I can take it with me when I mow the lawn too!

Posted by: siberia37

Re: TV/Weather/AM/FM Radio Module $30 - 22/09/2003 07:58

Does it actually work semi-decent in the car? I've tried some portables in the car and their reception is just crap. I'd like to find a portable where you could rip off the antenna and somehow hook up the car's antenna too it instead.