What a miserable existence

Posted by: Bolax

What a miserable existence - 19/01/2004 21:30

Here I am with my faithful 12GB mk2 #502 with it's new color (orange), new amps, new sub, new mids and highs for front and rear all set to go into my 97 Viper GTS and it all sits dormant because I still don't have a tuner. I really don't want to give up AM/FM but PCATS will never get to #270. Someone please end this torture!

I know...pathetic. But it sounds better than: WTB - tuner. Heck, you read it. :-)

Anyone willing to part with a spare? Any leads would be great. Thanks!
Posted by: siberia37

Re: What a miserable existence - 19/01/2004 22:22

Just go to Target or somewhere and buy a $30 in-dash Tuner (or $5 at a flea market), get a speaker to line level converter and run to the Empeg's AUX and hook it up anywhere you can. It doesn't have to be pretty it's just radio. It's either that or spend $200 on a tuner..
Posted by: Waterman981

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 00:23

And make sure you post some install pr0n when its all done!
Posted by: Bolax

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 09:03

Nah, I want a clean install. There's no room for 2 head units.
Posted by: siberia37

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 09:18

There's always the glove box...<g> Sorry i'm from the Midwest where duct-tape is the standard for fixing anything so I don't really get the idea of a "clean" install.
Posted by: boxer

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 09:24

That's nothing other than a wire wound, stereo pot, with the low ends connected to earth, isn't it? But I can never remember what value, something deep in my conscience tells me that when you did this to put headphones on an amp, before manufacturers fitted a socket, it had 47 or 470 in the equation.
Posted by: siberia37

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 09:44

I know I took one apart once and that's what it looked like - some wound wire connected to RCA plugs basically.
Posted by: image

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 12:29

t all sits dormant because I still don't have a tuner
uhh, excuse the sarcasm, but why don't you load some mp3s in your empeg? i might be on a limb here, but i'm pretty sure that playing music from files will utilize each component of your audio system =)
Posted by: Bolax

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 12:46

Actually the viper glove box is about 5" wide and by the driver's elbow. These cars are small inside!
Posted by: Bolax

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 12:58

"why don't you load some mp3s in your empeg?"

I used my empeg this way for quite some time but I like being able to listen to sports and such live. This car currently has the stock system in it but it sucks. Thus the mound of stuff awaiting installation.
Posted by: Daria

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 14:57

It's also useful if you live in an urban area to be able to listen to traffic reports.
Posted by: jimhogan

Re: What a miserable existence - 20/01/2004 22:30

all set to go into my 97 Viper GTS and it all sits dormant because I still don't have a tuner.

I have a tuner, so if you want to give me the Viper, I can help end your misery.
Posted by: FireFox31

Re: What a miserable existence - 21/01/2004 22:05

HAH! (sorry for wasting space with a post such as this, but that was just plain funny)
Posted by: msaeger

Re: What a miserable existence - 23/01/2004 22:20

Depends on the area here all you get is all the roads are blocked all the time