UK Empeg + Stuff. Whats it worth

Posted by: Ian_linington

UK Empeg + Stuff. Whats it worth - 09/11/2004 15:26

Afternoon all,

Haven't been here in a while and I've forgotten my old id/password

I have a Empeg Mk II sitting in a cupboard which I used to have installed in a car (sold). As I don't use it and I'm not likely too, how much is it worth ?

12GB Mk II Empeg
Car Mounting chassie
Power adapter

- Just got to find all the bits (and yes I can supply serial number)


Ian L.
Posted by: jimmy5

Re: UK Empeg + Stuff. Whats it worth - 15/11/2004 08:39

Hi Ian, i am very intrested buying your empeg.... I would offer you £250...