FS: MLord 'works' dock.

Posted by: GooRoo

FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 26/01/2007 21:23

I have a (nearly) unused MLord works dock that I'd like to sell. It has a little dust, but otherwise it's just as it came from the 'factory.'

I have a couple pictures of mine specifically, but I'd guess most everyone on the board already knows what this is and what it looks like. Click the images for a larger view:

I think Mark said these should sell for $150, so that's what I'm looking to get, ACAdapter included.

PM or email me (andrew at dekoning.net) with questions/concerns. I will also be selling some other Empeg related stuff (tuner/empeg/sleds) soon so watch for those posts as well.
Posted by: spider

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 27/01/2007 01:53

email sent!
Posted by: mlord

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 27/01/2007 13:36

Mmmm.. lucky [whoever gets it]. This dock was one of the few dozen constructed entirely out of old-fashioned MDF, back when it really was M-D-F (Medium Density Fibreboard). The stuff available to me locally now, and for most of the docks, claims to be MDF, but is slightly lighter weight/hardness than the original Good Stuff ("unobtainium").

Which means that this unit should look and feel very solid.

Posted by: FireFox31

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 27/01/2007 14:39

Interesting, how can we tell if our dock is real MDF? The composition of this one looks more naturally grainy than mine. Though, mine feels very solid. Or would purchase date be the best way to tell?
Posted by: mlord

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 27/01/2007 15:04

Interesting, how can we tell if our dock is real MDF? The composition of this one looks more naturally grainy than mine. Though, mine feels very solid. Or would purchase date be the best way to tell?

The difference is very slight, and most people might not even notice, and NOBODY should really care. I was just lamenting on how the arrival of The Borg has lowered the quality of easily obtainable materials. Ever so slightly.

Posted by: AndrewT

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 27/01/2007 21:22

I'd never before noticed how the underside of the top section was machined away, allowing the fan to draw air from the empeg's ventilation holes, ingenious!
Posted by: GooRoo

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 31/01/2007 18:14

Well, spider is the lucky one then, because he paid and I shipped it out yesterday. So this is SOLD!

Interesting info Mark, thanks!

I have a few more related items I'm going to sell soon as well:
1) 'sled kit' consisting of all the parts required (minus the wires themselves) some extra spare parts too - $50
2)MKIIa with 2 40 gig drives installed (and accessories) - $400
3)An assembled PCATs tuner. - $190
4)Palm setup for Palantir use. - $25

I love my empeg, but bills have forced the sale. I'm downsizing to a carbon though, so I haven't left the family altogether.

I'm on vacation next week, when I get back I'll get pics and make new posts etc. I did go through and test everything (again) so I know it's all working well.
Posted by: spider

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 01/02/2007 01:38

thanks again, been wanting one of these forever.
Posted by: spider

Re: FS: MLord 'works' dock. - 09/02/2007 21:11

Well, spider is the lucky one then, because he paid and I shipped it out yesterday. So this is SOLD!

thanks item showed up today, you packed it VERY well thanks again,
