WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage

Posted by: marknorth

WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 01/05/2002 06:37

Hey guys,

If anyone has a new 10Gb Empeg (preferably unopened - but certainly in perfect condition) full kit with mounts/remote etc. Never mounted. I'm seriously interested.

$375 seems like about the going rate - a bit over what you would've paid from carplayer.

I'm absolutely happy to pay shipping etc

Please let me know.

Posted by: lopan

Re: WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 01/05/2002 06:42

that would have been the going rate about a month ago.... expect to pay 500 or 600 bucks... if your lucky enough to find someone to buy it from...
Posted by: marknorth

Re: WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 01/05/2002 06:47

Rabid_Wallaby's selling a 20Gb for $500... and there was another 20Gb listed here a day or two ago for $450... 10Gb should obviously be less than that...

$375 may be a tiny bit optimistic... so I would cnsider paying a little more than that.

Posted by: marknorth

Re: WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 01/05/2002 06:49

I also just saw Viper's listed a 20Gb for $425... so I can't see how a 10Gb for $375 is all that low...
Posted by: ninti

Re: WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 01/05/2002 10:31

> 10Gb should obviously be less than that...

It seems to me that the price to gig curve is really starting to flatten out across all the different sizes. Hard drives you can get anywhere; it is the Empeg that is the hard to find item now. It doesn't matter if it is a 10 gig or 60 gig, you can always swap out the hard drive. Getting an Empeg to put them in is the tough part. As the price goes higher (there is 20gig on Ebay that may end up selling for more than $700) that price/gig curve will flatten out even more.
Posted by: lopan

Re: WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 01/05/2002 19:07

The only reason I say that is I'm currently trying to find one for a friend... he had spoke with a guy that had two 20's my friend offered him 500... and the guy was about to sell one to my bud. The next morning he informed us that he sold both 20's for 1200 bucks to someone else. That was about a week ago. So if you can get one for under 500 snag it! Because someone WILL offer more money for it. Like Ninti said... you can get drives anywhere... the price for an empeg will only go up.
Posted by: Mr_Maniacal

Re: WANTED: 10Gb Empeg for $375 + postage - 04/05/2002 00:02

I got a 30 gb empeg for 500 about a week ago. I thought this was pretty good since the prices started to skyrocket for any size.

The Mad Man himself